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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Government blames low school performance on faulty inspection

Government blames low school performance on faulty inspection
POOR inspection of schools and teachers' negligence is behind the deteriorating quality of education in the country, the government has said. Speaking at the Tanzania Institute of Education (TIE) yesterday in Dar es Salaam Prof Joyce Ndalichako, the ...
TIE urged to speed up textbook supply to primary schoolsDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Low pay of teacher's in government schools cause for poor performance

Low pay of teacher's in government schools cause for poor performance
Poor performance exhibited by government secondary schools is because the teachers are not well compensated nor are their benefits sufficient. With that understanding, the government has pledged to pay teachers all their due payments as the basis to ...


10 years ago


Strengthen school inspection to have quality education

Strengthen school inspection to have quality education
Mid last month, during inauguration of the School Inspection week celebrations, the Minister for Education and Vocational Training (MoEVT), Dr Shukuru Kawambwa, encouraged school inspectors to utilise their opportunity to ensure that quality of education ...


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Move to revamp school schools inspection apt

>Our education system is going through trying times. Any efforts to improve it are certainly welcome. That is why we are giving the thumbs-up to the restructuring of the Education and Vocational Training ministry’s monitoring system.  We hope it will boost the quality of teaching.


11 years ago


Low recognition stagnating performance of secretaries

Low recognition stagnating performance of secretaries
Little to no recognition and representation is stagnating personal secretaries performance and stakeholders are been called to step up to the challenge if the sector is to register any meaningful development. Arusha District Commissioner John Mongela has ...


10 years ago


Low expectation of parents affecting student performance, says Twaweza Almost ...

Low expectation of parents affecting student performance, says Twaweza Almost ...
Research conducted by Twaweza has revealed that parents have relatively low performance expectations and as such, they contribute to student's poor performance. “This is because, with low expectations, parents do not hold schools accountable for the ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Pastoralists' school tops performance in Monduli

Pastoralists' school tops performance in Monduli
Daily News
MANYARA Ranch Boarding Primary school has gone on record as being the only institution catering for pastoralists' children and performs well in the country, despite wild animals threatening its pupils. Former President Benjamin William Mkapa visited the ...


11 years ago


Government halts delivery of low-cost mosquito nets due to fraud

At least 13 million subsidized nets have been distributed nationwide since the project was introduced in 2004, but the government is having to suspend the program due to concerns over fraudulent activity by those tasked with delivering the nets. 


11 years ago


L. ZONE: Mara council probes school’s poor performance

Mara regional academic officer Atuvonwe Chaula confirmed the investigation exercise, saying it was aimed at identifying challenges facing the school.


10 years ago

Daily News

BVR registration slowed down with faulty machines

BVR registration slowed down with faulty machines
Daily News
NATIONAL Electoral Commission (NEC) has deployed more Biometric Voter Registrations (BVR) kits in Dar es Salaam to speed up the registration of voters that is going-on in the city, it was announced yesterday. Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner (RC), ...



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