
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


EDITORIAL: Tap research findings to lift social welfare

>Research findings by mostly reputable firms, captured by reports that are often launched with much fanfare, should be taken seriously.  By revealing problem areas (good news being rare),  they provide starting points for the authorities, especially policy makers, to launch remedial measures, or, to improve upon whatever successes have been registered.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Tanzania must ‘see’ beyond Twaweza research findings

This week the Tanzania scene was shaken by a survey conducted by Twaweza -- a research based civic organization -- following the release of findings on the forthcoming General Election. Almost everybody is angry with the findings.


10 years ago


The game of numbers: Reflections on Twaweza’s research findings

In this country, magic numbers and statistics are rarely trusted. And there are good reasons for that; numbers and statistics are rarely at par with what’s happening on the ground.


11 years ago


Use research findings to conserve deltas, policy-makers urged

Policy and decision-makers have been challenged to continue using research findings to conserve Africa’s deltas and floodplains.


10 years ago


Minister for Health and Social Welfare, Dr Seif Rashid

Minister for Health and Social Welfare, Dr Seif Rashid
The government has conceded to allegations of corruption by dishonest elements in the Police and Judiciary handling cases related to People With Albinism (PWA), promising to probe the matter. The allegations were raised yesterday in Dar es Salaam ...
Government vows to strengthen peace, securityDaily News

all 2


11 years ago


Move Social Welfare department to Prime Minister's office

Move Social Welfare department to Prime Minister's office - MPs
To better serve people with disabilities as well as other vulnerable groups, Members of Parliament are asking the government to change the jurisdiction of the social welfare department from the Ministry of Health and Social welfare to the Prime Minister's office ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Kigoma District Council in acute shortage of social welfare workers

Kigoma District Council in acute shortage of social welfare workers
Daily News
KIGOMA District Council is in dire shortage of social welfare workers, hindering its smooth delivery of social services. Ms Penina Mbete, who is Kigoma District Council Social Officer, told a team of journalists who were in Kigoma attending a three- day training ...


9 years ago


Sierra Leone: Social Welfare Minister Promises to Intensify Fight Against GBV

Sierra Leone: Social Welfare Minister Promises to Intensify Fight Against GBV
Deputy Minister of Social Welfare, Gender and Children's Affairs, Mustapha Bai Atilla, has promised to do all in his powers to fight Gender Based Violence (GBV) in the country. He was speaking during the official launch of sixteen days of activism ...
16 Days Activism focus on child educationDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
Girl's Agenda takes campaign against gender-based...


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Tap forest wealth to tackle desk shortage

>Newspaper photographs depicting pupils sitting on dusty floors, bricks and stones in ramshackle classrooms have literally ceased to be news. This is because lack of decent furniture for learners is publicised so frequently that it is common knowledge except to first-time visitors to the country.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Tap tourism fully to raise forex, boost PR

>The ‘all is well’ impression has bred the ‘Tanzanian way of doing things’ culture that, in the economic sphere, costs us dearly by way of poor services that frustrate customers, the net effect  of which is reduced patronage and lower revenues.



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