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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


The game of numbers: Reflections on Twaweza’s research findings

In this country, magic numbers and statistics are rarely trusted. And there are good reasons for that; numbers and statistics are rarely at par with what’s happening on the ground.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Tanzania must ‘see’ beyond Twaweza research findings

This week the Tanzania scene was shaken by a survey conducted by Twaweza -- a research based civic organization -- following the release of findings on the forthcoming General Election. Almost everybody is angry with the findings.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Tap research findings to lift social welfare

>Research findings by mostly reputable firms, captured by reports that are often launched with much fanfare, should be taken seriously.  By revealing problem areas (good news being rare),  they provide starting points for the authorities, especially policy makers, to launch remedial measures, or, to improve upon whatever successes have been registered.


11 years ago


Use research findings to conserve deltas, policy-makers urged

Policy and decision-makers have been challenged to continue using research findings to conserve Africa’s deltas and floodplains.


10 years ago


Experts’ take on Twaweza research

The Citizen on Sunday sought views from experienced researcher, Mr Aidan Eyakuze on the research results published by twaweza. here is what he said;


11 years ago


Numbers game as rival assembly camps fight

>They use the same data to prove that the form of union they prefer is the people’s choice. And the rival camp uses the same statistics to support their own argument.  They are the Constituent Assembly (CA) groups and they belong to two camps--those who want the two-government system to stay and those gunning for three governments with a revived Tanganyika government on board.


11 years ago


Reflections on the resurrection of Jesus

>To say the resurrection of Jesus is boring is an understatement. No one saw it happen and neither do any of us his followers today have an experience of a risen person. Yet, after more than 2,000 years we still hold onto the claim that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. I find this mind-boggling.


11 years ago


Frontline reflections on Guinea’s battle against Ebola

Nobody would have thought that Gueckedou, a market town in southern Guinea, was the front line in West Africa’s battle against the deadly Ebola virus


9 years ago


ECONOMIC REFLECTIONS : World Trade Organisation in perspective

 The World Trade Organisation (WTO) is holding its tenth Ministerial Conference in Nairobi, Kenya, this week. This is the first time the WTO held its ministerial-level meeting in Africa. The WTO is an international organisation of 162 countries (as of December 2015) that sets trade rules among its members.


10 years ago


Bills of Lading -- Reflections on legal issues involved

Considerable size of sea-borne international trade transactions and transportation are done with the use of bills of lading.



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