
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


EDITORIAL: Toilets for schools a must

>Pupils at two primary schools in Liwale District in Lindi Region reportedly have to go to the bush to relieve themselves. There are no toilets in their school.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Move to revamp school schools inspection apt

>Our education system is going through trying times. Any efforts to improve it are certainly welcome. That is why we are giving the thumbs-up to the restructuring of the Education and Vocational Training ministry’s monitoring system.  We hope it will boost the quality of teaching.


11 years ago


Revealing SA protest over toilets

Police fire rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse protesters who bared their rears during a protest over a lack of proper toilets in South Africa.


5 years ago


Kenya - where toilets have become a constitutional right

The state is obliged to provide toilets along the country's roads, Kenya's High Court rules.


9 years ago


Built toilets at Ukerewe courts: call

The Ukerewe District Council has been asked to allocate special funds for construction of toilets at various courts under its jurisdiction.


9 years ago


UNICEF: Without toilets, childhood is even riskier due to malnutrition

Lack of access to toilets is endangering millions of the world’s poorest children, UNICEF said today, pointing to emerging evidence of links between inadequate sanitation and malnutrition.
Some 2.4 billion people globally do not have toilets and 946 million – roughly 1 in 8 of the world’s population – defecate in the open. Meanwhile, an estimated 159 million children under 5 years old are stunted (short for their age) and another 50 million are wasted (low weight for age).
In Tanzania, access...


9 years ago


Lack of toilets in Dar undermining health efforts

On Thursday, the world commemorated the World Toilet Day coined around the theme “the link between sanitation and nutrition.” The day aims to draw awareness to the fact that many people do not have access to toilet – even though access to clean water and sanitation is a human right.


10 years ago


LAKE ZONE: Survey: Geita village has only 6 toilets

GEITA.Residents of Nyakabale Village in Geita Region are at risk of contracting dysentery due to lack of latrines.


9 years ago


Tanzania: Built Toilets at Ukerewe Courts - Call

Tanzania: Built Toilets at Ukerewe Courts - Call
Ukerewe — The Ukerewe District Council has been asked to allocate special funds for construction of toilets at various courts under its jurisdiction. Speaking after swearing in councillors, Magistrate Malice Ndimila asked councillors to use their ...


10 years ago


Empty House Fails Voters As MPs 'Hide in Toilets'

Empty House Fails Voters As MPs 'Hide in Toilets'
Thursday Parliament failed to transact business because of lack of quorum. The embarrassment of the empty seats left the Deputy Speaker, Mr Jacob Oulanyah, dumbfounded. Mr Oulanyah, who chaired the session, would later suspend the proceedings of ...
Kicking out opposition MPs, public become losersIPPmedia
Be honourable, please honourable legislatorsDaily News
FOCUS: 'What Does that Word Mean?'Fiji Sun Online

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