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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


EDITORIAL: Up farming to higher level

Tanzanian farmers in food producing regions are currently busy tilling the land.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


For a wealthier TZ, raise farming to the next level

Given its immense mineral resources, alluring flora and fauna and wide expanses of arable land, Tanzania is potentially one of Africa’s richest countries. But that is as far as it goes


11 years ago


Fund set to take farming to new level, says Kikwete

The agriculture catalytic fund would become operational this year and start financing commercial agriculture in the southern corridor, the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (Sagcot) has said.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Let’s scale up our farming

>The vast majority of farmers in Tanzania still depend on outdated farming implements and methods, which explains why productivity is unacceptably low compared to the effort they put into preparing land to harvesting crops.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: We need to rid ourselves of higher education craze

>In pre-market economy Tanzania, education system was guided by Education for Self-Reliance, the policy tailored by Tanu (and CCM after 1977). The guiding principle was that education should be geared at nurturing individuals able to apply what they learn in school or college.


10 years ago


Farming our way to prosperity

A change is sweeping across Tanzania. Our smallholder farmers are growing and harvesting more than ever. Our grain storages are full. We are food secure.


11 years ago


Farming subsidies a must

Tanzania depends heavily on agriculture. Yet when it comes to sustaining the sector, our leadership seems to believe it can thrive on its own.


11 years ago


Tanzania should be serious with farming

Yesterday was Nane Nane Day, which was celebrated at national level in Lindi Region. Nane Nane Day is intended, among other things, to remind Tanzanians that agriculture is the backbone of our nation, so it should be given the importance it deserves.


11 years ago


Farming not inviting enough

With local and foreign investment concentrated in urban areas, hundreds of thousands of young Tanzanians leave their rural homes annually to seek employment in towns.


11 years ago


Use of mobile phone to farming is appropriate

Agriculture will continue to be the mainstay of Tanzania’s economy for the foreseeable future. It is for this reason that any innovation geared at making our farmers produce more will always be welcome.



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