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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Effective measures needed to curb bogus certificates

Effective measures needed to curb bogus certificates
Daily News
THE National Examinations Council (NECTA) has sounded an alarm following rampant use of forged academic certificates. The Council has called for employers in both government and private institutions to consult with it in verifying academic transcripts ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Ugandan clinics selling bogus HIV certificates

The Ugandans who pay for bogus HIV results


10 years ago


Curb bogus vehicle insurance covers, Comesa challenged

>The National Insurance Corporation (NIC) has challenged the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (Comesa) partner states to consider cooperating in curbing bogus vehicle insurance covers which were denying them of millions of dollars in revenue.


10 years ago


Effective Plans Needed to Stop Albino Killings

Effective Plans Needed to Stop Albino Killings
AN albino toddler who had gone missing for some days in Geita Region recently was found dead with all his limbs hacked off. What a bad news, that Yohana Bahati, aged one, was snatched from the house of his mother, who was cut with a machete?
Tanzania's elections may be dangerous for albinosColumbus Dispatch
Albino Toddler Found Dead, Dismembered For Witchcraft Purposes, Police SayHuffington Post
Fears Persist That Violence...


11 years ago

Daily News

Moravian church takes measures to curb internal conflicts

Moravian church takes measures to curb internal conflicts
Daily News
THE Moravian Church Eastern Mission and Zanzibar Diocese have suspended its church central committee and elect Bishop Dr Lusekelo Mwakafwila to supervise the Diocese until it regains peace. Speaking with journalists in Dar es Salaam yesterday, ...


11 years ago


We can end these bogus deals once and for all

China’s ambassador to Tanzania, Mr Lu Youqing, has admitted that some Chinese nationals and companies are engaged in corruption and the illegal ivory trade in the country.


10 years ago


Stamp out bogus colleges

The need to train youth is greater today than ever before. Parents will spend their last shilling to ensure their offspring get an opportunity to acquire one form or another of professional skills.


11 years ago

Independent Online

Bogus cops arrested for robberies

Bogus cops arrested for robberies
Independent Online
Cape Town - Four Tanzanian men were arrested in Bellville, Cape Town, on Tuesday for impersonating police officers and committing business robberies, Western Cape police said. “During patrols in the Bellville area today a vehicle was spotted by the Crime ...


9 years ago


Police Detain Bogus Security Officer

Police Detain Bogus Security Officer
Moshi — Police in Kilimanjaro are holding Ahmed Kimu (32), a resident of Uzunguni Dodoma , who identified himself as the chief security officer of Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) at national level. Speaking to journalists yesterday Kilimanjaro Regional ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Bogus police college head arrested

Bogus police college head arrested
Daily News
POLICE here are holding 27-year-old Joseph Maliuta, a farmer from Hungumalwa Village in Kwimba District for impersonation after he posed as Commandant of Moshi Police Academy, CCP, and pocketing over 11m/- deceitfully. Kilimanjaro Regional Police ...



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