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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Curb bogus vehicle insurance covers, Comesa challenged

>The National Insurance Corporation (NIC) has challenged the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (Comesa) partner states to consider cooperating in curbing bogus vehicle insurance covers which were denying them of millions of dollars in revenue.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Daily News

Effective measures needed to curb bogus certificates

Effective measures needed to curb bogus certificates
Daily News
THE National Examinations Council (NECTA) has sounded an alarm following rampant use of forged academic certificates. The Council has called for employers in both government and private institutions to consult with it in verifying academic transcripts ...


10 years ago


Compete or die, local insurance firms challenged

Dar es Salaam. The insurance landscape is bound to change, with more competition coming as the economies of the East African Community (EAC) members integrate, a prominent insurer has said.


9 years ago

Dewji Blog

Kampuni ya Niko Insurance Limited yabadili jina na kuwa Sanlam General Insurance

Afisa Mtendaji Mkuu wa Sanlam General Insurance Ndugu Manasseh Kawaloka  Akitoa Hotuba yake Kwenye halfa ya Kampuni ya NIKO Insurance Limited Ilipobadili Jina na kuwa Sanlam General Insurance.

Kampuni ya Bima Niko limited Imebadili jina na kuwa Sanlam General Insurance Limited.Mabadiliko hayo yanalenga Kupanua Wigo Na kuimarisha uwepo wake Nchini Tanzania na Afrika Mashariki  kwa Jumla.Sanlam General Insuarence Itaendelea Kutoa Huduma Mbalimbali za BimaKwa Wateja Binafsi na Mashirika...


9 years ago


NIKO Insurance now goes by Sanlam General Insurance

A Tanzanian insurance firm, NIKO Insurance, has rebranded to Sanlam General Insurance (Tanzania) limited as it seeks to strengthen its identity and expand visibility in East African markets.


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

10 years ago


MY TAKE ON THIS: Information freedom campaign covers all

>Two weeks ago, I wrote in this space condemning councillors in Kondoa District for their indiscriminate decision to ban a nongovernmental organisation, Sikika, from conducting its activities in the district.


10 years ago


Comesa court underutilised, by regional lawyers in practice

Lawyers in East Africa have been challenged to take up cases before the Common Market of East and Southern Africa (COMESA) Court of Justice.


9 years ago


How western media covers, views Africa

One consistent thing about the ‘New York Times’ coverage of Africa the last one hundred years has been its paucity, its inadequacy, compared to other major regions of the world. By any standards, Africa has been the most ignored of the major regions of the world.


9 years ago

East African Business Week

EAC team covers Tanzania elections

East African Business Week
EAC team covers Tanzania elections
East African Business Week
ARUSHA, TANZANIA - The East African Community (EAC) Election Observation Mission (EOM) to the General Elections in Tanzania reported no major malpractices. It was led by former Kenya vice president, Moody Awori (below), whose team deployed in all ...
EA leader lauds Tanzania for investing in higher educationDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)

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