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Egypt readmitted to African Union

The African Union has readmitted Egypt, ending Cairo’s nearly year-long suspension from the grouping because of the country’s military coup, an official said today.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


E.African leaders want a monetary union; who else?

On November 30, 2013, the five EA Community (EAC) member states Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi signed a Protocol in Kampala, ostensibly charting the road to a Monetary Union (EAC-MU) and a single currency ten years thence.


10 years ago


Obama to address African Union

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9 years ago


Egypt withdraws from African Games

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11 years ago


African Union deserves congratulations for one stand

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11 years ago

Dewji Blog

African Union: Reject Immunity for Leaders

African Groups say Plan Would Harm Regional Court

By Special Correspondent, Johannesburg

A proposal to give immunity to sitting government leaders before Africa’s regional court would be a major setback for justice for grave crimes, African organizations from 19 countries and international organizations with a presence in Africa said in a letter to African governments released today.

Justice ministers and attorney generals of African Union (AU) member countries are scheduled to meet in...


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9 years ago


Egypt climb back into African top 10

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Letter from Africa: Has the African Union grown some teeth?

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