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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Energy minister under fire over power price hikes

Daily News
Energy minister under fire over power price hikes
Daily News
THE Shadow Minister for Energy and Minerals, Mr John Mnyika, has urged President Jakaya Kikwete to take to task Prof Sospeter Muhongo while planning for cabinet reshuffle as the Minister has failed to control power prices. The cabinet reshuffle is ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


French energy firm rules out oil price recovery next year

Oil prices are not expected to rise next year, the head of French energy giant Total told reporters in Qatar yesterday.


10 years ago

Legalbrief (Subscription)

Energy Minister resigns over graft scandal

The Nation
Energy Minister resigns over graft scandal
Legalbrief (subscription)
Tanzania's Energy and Minerals Minister Sospeter Muhongo has resigned following a graft scandal that has rocked the gas-rich country and led Western donors to delay aid. A report on the Standard Media site notes that Muhongo, who described himself as ...
Tanzanian Energy Minister Quits Over Graft
Tanzania's energy minister quits over graft scandal, denies
Massive nod to...


10 years ago


Energy and Minerals minister Prof Sospeter Muhongo

Energy and Minerals minister Prof Sospeter Muhongo
There was heated debate in the National Assembly here yesterday on the Bank of Tanzania's Tegeta escrow account scandal reports, with those implicated including Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda, Attorney General Frederick Werema, government ministers ...
Tanzania PM sidesteps calls to quit over graft claimsReuters Canada
Tanzania PM Mizengo Pinda caught in corruption rowCitifmonline

all 18


10 years ago

Sabahi Online

Tanzanian energy minister quits over graft scandal

The Nation
Tanzanian energy minister quits over graft scandal
Sabahi Online
Tanzanian Minister for Energy and Minerals Sospeter Muhongo resigned Saturday (January 24th), becoming the third top government figure to leave office over an energy sector graft scandal, AFP reported. Muhongo denied any wrongdoing, saying he ...
Tanzanian Minister resigns over graft scandalLegalbrief (subscription)
Tanzania's energy minister quits over graft scandal, denies
Massive nod to Cabinet...


9 years ago

Reuters Africa

Tanzania's president reappoints energy minister in new cabinet

BBC News
Tanzania's president reappoints energy minister in new cabinet
Reuters Africa
DAR ES SALAAM Dec 10 (Reuters) - Tanzania's president picked a new cabinet on Thursday, including one former minister who resigned from the previous government over a graft scandal at the energy ministry. The east African nation is hoping to start ...
Massive clean-up call responseDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
Tanzania: SFO Presents Dr Magufuli With New


10 years ago

Interfax Global Energy

Tanzania's energy minister resigns over payment scandal

The Nation
Tanzania's energy minister resigns over payment scandal
Interfax Global Energy
EnergyHub is a specialist resource tool offering detailed information on the world's LNG infrastructure, with details on each facility's owners, history, capacity and future plans. Our free United States country profile gives a preview of our detailed industry ...
Tanzanian Minister resigns over graft scandalLegalbrief (subscription)
Tanzania's energy minister quits over graft scandal, denies...


11 years ago


The minister for Energy and Minerals, Prof Sospeter Muhongo

The government has embarked on a plan to revive four cashew processing plants in the southern regions, the Prime Minister, Mr Mizengo Pinda, told Parliament yesterday.


10 years ago


Hoax Fire Emergency Calls Irk Minister

Hoax Fire Emergency Calls Irk Minister
Dodoma — THE public has been reminded to stop making hoax fire response calls because it will risky to reach them when emergency does occur. Deputy Minister for Home Affairs, Mr Perreira Ame Silima, told the National Assembly on Wednesday that ...


10 years ago

Reuters Africa

Tanzanian president sacks minister amid energy graft scandal

Tanzanian president sacks minister amid energy graft scandal
Reuters Africa
DAR ES SALAAM Dec 22 (Reuters) - Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete fired a senior cabinet minister on Monday over a graft scandal in the energy sector that has already led to the resignation of the African country's attorney general. Kikwete said he had ...



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