
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


EXCERPT: Assertive behaviour adds value to employee’s quest for fairness

>The secretary general of Juwata wrote to the Labour Commissioner in the Ministry of Labour and Manpower Development asking him to declare a trade dispute. He attached all  relevant documents relating to my case.  A copy of this letter was sent to me.  The relevant section of the Permanent Labour Tribunal Act was section 9A(1), which provides that:


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Is our parliament getting more assertive?

Is our parliament getting more assertive?
The key roles of legislatures are drafting, enacting (passing, amending and repealing) laws and exercising oversight over the executive branch of the government. In a democracy, legislators perform these roles as representatives of the people. In order to ...


10 years ago


Changing behaviour to tackle Ebola

And other reasons why Ebola continues in Sierra Leone


10 years ago


Let’s stem all behaviour that creates disabilities

According to a report by the Disabled People’s Association in Tanzania (Shivyawata) issued during a members’ meeting in Musoma, 13 per cent of this country’s people have one form of disability or other.


11 years ago


Ways to deal with disrespectful behaviour

The bottom line is that when a child breaks a rule, the parent should hold the child accountable. 


11 years ago


Refs should observe fairness

After a long hiatus, the Vodacom Premier League will resume on January 25. Club leaders and their technical benches are busy preparing their teams to ensure that they perform well; of course, with different targets.  


10 years ago


Court fairness can end backlog: CJ

The problem in backlog of cases in Tanzanian courts will continue to bother the judiciary if it fails to use its independence to execute its basic duty of dispensing justice fairly, Chief Justice Mohamed Chande has warned here.


10 years ago


Transparency, fairness key in telecoms sectort

The recent confusion arising from slightly higher mobile phone tariffs for accessing voice and data bundles point to a need for transparency and fairness in handling the telecommunication business.


9 years ago

Daily News

Tell stories accurately, with fairness, media told

Tell stories accurately, with fairness, media told
Daily News
THE Union of Tanzania Press Clubs (UTPC) has warned the print and electronic media against using misleading headlines which might create tension as the country inches closer to the general election. UTPC Executive Director Mr Abubakar Karsan told ...


9 years ago


Reform polls system to promote fairness

As the 2015 election dust settles, we should conduct deep soul-searching on the important exercise whose climax was Election Day – October 25



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