Is our parliament getting more assertive?
Is our parliament getting more assertive?
The key roles of legislatures are drafting, enacting (passing, amending and repealing) laws and exercising oversight over the executive branch of the government. In a democracy, legislators perform these roles as representatives of the people. In order to ...
Habari Zinazoendana
10 years ago
TheCitizen26 Apr
EXCERPT: Assertive behaviour adds value to employee’s quest for fairness
11 years ago
Zitto Kabwe, MB01 Jul
Presentation: How can Parliament develop effective ways of dealing with the media to ensure strong advocacy for coverage of Parliament?
Notes from a presentation on June 30 2014 at Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, local seminar for all Zambian Members of Parliament (Lusaka).
Download How can Parliament develop effective ways of dealing with the Media to ensure strong advocacy for coverage of Parliament?.