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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


FEATURE: Call to enhance safe motherhood

>Care International in Tanzania plays a significant role in poverty eradication and social justice. The Citizen Reporter, Edward Qorro, had an interview with the organisation’s country director, Paul Daniels, on various social issues his organisation is involved in the country. Excerpts:


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


FEATURE: Call to go walking, use bicycles

>The way people loathe commuter transport in urban centres one would expect non-motorised transport (NMT) to be very popular.  But the reality is different. A survey conducted a few years ago in Dar es Salaam shows that only three per cent of commuters depend on non-motorised transport! But there are many other reasons why NMT should be promoted not only by individuals, but also by the government as well.


5 years ago


Inside gaming's least safe safe rooms

Inside gaming's least safe safe rooms


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Prof. Mbarawa Launches “Rumble In The Jungle” A call to action for African with leadership qualities to Rise to the call Of duty


Hon. ambassador Mwaidi Sinare Maajar followed by honorable Minister of Science and Communication, Prof Makame Mbarawa together with the author Mr. Norman Moyo beating the drums marking the unveiling of the book “Rumble in the Jungle” to the invited guests, the event took place at the Hyatt Hotel, far right is the MC of the event, Taji Liundi.

A Tanzanian based telecommunications executive, Norman Moyo, CEO of Helios Towers Tanzania launched his first leadership book called Rumble in the...


11 years ago

Daily News

Zanzibar, Comoro enhance ties

Daily News
Zanzibar, Comoro enhance ties
Daily News
THE governments of Zanzibar and Comoro are committed to improving bilateral relationships, especially in the area of education for the benefit of citizens of the both countries. The two countries will also work together in agriculture, tourism, culture, industry ...


9 years ago


Shein to enhance fisheries industry.

Shein to enhance fisheries industry.
Zanzibar CCM presidential candidate Dr Ali Mohamed Shein has pledged to transform fishing industry in isles to make the business more profitable. Speaking during a campaign rally held over the weekend at Nyundo grounds in Mgogoni constituency in ...
Mahindra to Open Tractor Factory in

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10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Enhance formal trade in EA

>East Africans have considered themselves one people from time immemorial, which is why most of the citizens of the region view the borders as superficial. A majority of border residents, more so the ordinary people, are not even conscious of their nationalities.


11 years ago


Bikes to enhance rural teaching, conservation

Bikes to enhance rural teaching, conservation
In a move aimed at enhancing the community care workers performance the Second Chance Education Centre (SCEC) has donated at least 70 bicylces worth 26.6m/- in a period of two years. Speaking in an exclusive interview with The Guardian during the ...


10 years ago


JK urges religious leaders to enhance peace

JK urges religious leaders to enhance peace
President Jakaya Kikwete has called upon religious leaders to help the nation uphold the prevailing peace during and after the General Election scheduled for October this year. He sounded the reminding call in Dar es Salaam while marking the second ...
Clerics urged to uphold peaceDaily News

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9 years ago

Kenya Broadcasting Corporation

Ethuro says EA political federation to enhance integration

Kenya Broadcasting Corporation
Ethuro says EA political federation to enhance integration
Kenya Broadcasting Corporation
Senate Speaker Ekwe Ethuro says a political federation for the East Africa region will enhance integration and address issues of ethnicity among member countries. His sentiments were echoed by East Africa Legislative Assembly Speaker Dan Kidega who ...
General Motors wants EAC import rules enforced fasterCapital FM Kenya (press release) (blog)
Kenya, Tanzania Step Up War On...



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