
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


France, China agree on climate change checks

China and France agreed Monday that an international deal to tackle climate change to be negotiated in Paris should include checks on compliance, in what visiting French President Francois Hollande called a “historic” step forward.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


African leaders agree on mechanisms to fight climate change

African leaders have agreed to have one voice on Climate Change effects during the coming meeting with the UN Secretary General, Mr Ban Ki-moon, to be held in New York late next month.


11 years ago


We can take on climate change

The issue before the world, at this point in time, is not about why climate change is a threat and who is to blame for it. The most important matter before us now is about how to adapt and how to mitigate climate change effects.


10 years ago


$10bn for climate change

Some $10 billion has been pledged at the just-ended Climate Change talks in Lima, Peru organised by the UN for the Green Climate Fund (GCF) to mitigate the impact of global warming.


11 years ago


Climate change must be dealt with

We are also proposing an Africa Wide Programme on Mitigation. Africa is not a big emitter of greenhouse gases, but we see a lot of merit and benefit in the continent charting out an environment friendly development path. Indeed Africa’s contribution to climate change from fossil energy and transport sources in the global context is but only worth a footnote.


10 years ago


SPECIAL REPORT: Germany, France push for fair global climate deal in Paris

In December 2015, all roads will lead to the French capital, Paris, for the 21st Conference of Parties (COP21), where a climate deal is expected to be clinched, heading off a repeat of the failed Copenhagen climate change conference in 2009.


10 years ago

NFL News And Rumors

Tanzania needs over $1 billion for climate change

Daily News
Tanzania needs over $1 billion for climate change
NFL News and Rumors
DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania - The government has established that it needs massive financial support to the tune of over $1 billion annually by 2030 coupled with technological support to address climate change adaptation, a feature also approved by the ...
Tanzania wants single EAC climate lawEast African Business Week

all 6


11 years ago


Ex-minister pleads over climate change

Members of the Constituent Assembly (MCAs) want the second draft constitution to also acknowledge and give guidance on the utilisation of other key natural resources


11 years ago


Africa must act on climate change: JK

>President Jakaya Kikwete has urged African countries to join forces if the continent is to reduce effects of climate change in the world.


10 years ago

East African Business Week

Tanzania Needs Over U.S.$1 Billion for Climate Change

Tanzania Needs Over U.S.$1 Billion for Climate Change
East African Business Week
Dar es Salaam — The government has established that it needs massive financial support to the tune of over $1 billion annually by 2030 coupled with technological support to address climate change adaptation, a feature also approved by the Tanzania ...



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