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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


GeoPoll and Kantar Media Unveil Kantar-GeoPoll Media Measurement in Africa



James Eberhard GeoPoll Founder.

GeoPoll (, the world’s largest mobile survey platform, and Kantar Media, global leader in media and marketing insights, announce their collaboration on a joint product, Kantar-GeoPoll Media Measurement (KGMM).  This product builds on GeoPoll’s existing media measurement service by adding Kantar Media’s research expertise and technology tools to GeoPoll’s unique mobile data collection methods. 

This announcement comes following the...

Dewji Blog

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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago

Bandera County Courier

Global Media Monitoring Tools Market Analysis 2020 Digimind, Boomerang, Kantar Media CIC, NoLimit, iSentia, Synthesio, Dialogix

Global Media Monitoring Tools Market Analysis 2020 Digimind, Boomerang, Kantar Media CIC, NoLimit, iSentia, Synthesio, Dialogix  Bandera County Courier


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

GeoPoll and Control Union Use Mobile Surveys to Engage with Agricultural Industry in Africa and Asia


The partnership will initially focus on countries in Africa including Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Uganda

 GeoPoll (, the world’s largest real-time mobile survey platform, is announcing a strategic partnership with Control Union, global leader in agricultural certifications, food safety, and sustainability. Partnering allows Control Union to tap into GeoPoll’s multimodal mobile platform and database of 200 million users, giving them access the...


11 years ago

Dewji Blog

GeoPoll Unveils First Ever Overnight TV Ratings In African Markets

New Audience Measurement Service Launches with Unprecedented Data on the Viewing Habits of More Than 300 Million People



James Eberhard GeoPoll Founder.

GeoPoll (, the world’s largest real-time mobile survey platform, today launched its Audience Measurement Service, which offers the first ever daily TV ratings in several African markets. The launch of this service comes just in time for the FIFA World Cup, when GeoPoll will publish game viewership data from...


11 years ago

Dewji Blog

GeoPoll Releases Unprecedented Findings on World Cup Television Audiences in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda


GeoPoll (, the world’s largest real-time mobile survey platform, today released initial findings on TV ratings, audience size and demographics following the first games of the 2014 FIFA World Cup. The data, gathered via mobile surveys in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda, provides a first-ever glimpse of the fans who are tuning into the World Cup in these countries, and represents ratings from more than 300 million African citizens. A full breakdown of...


11 years ago


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11 years ago


China media: Africa ties

'We take from Africa, but we don't forget to give back'


11 years ago


Clouds Media brings vuMobile to Africa

OTT solutions provider Visual Unity Global is expanding its vuMobile platform into Africa after signing a new partnership agreement with Tanzanian media conglomerate Clouds Media. Tomas Petra (l) of Visual Unity with Joseph Kusaga of Clouds Media. Designed to rapidly mobilise mobile businesses and empower partners and resellers, the vuMobile platform will be white labelled, allowing subscribers to create mobile optimised websites in a fast and effective way, under the Clouds Media...


9 years ago


How western media covers, views Africa

One consistent thing about the ‘New York Times’ coverage of Africa the last one hundred years has been its paucity, its inadequacy, compared to other major regions of the world. By any standards, Africa has been the most ignored of the major regions of the world.


5 years ago

The African Exponent

Why Western Media Still Pictures Africa Negatively

Why Western Media Still Pictures Africa Negatively  The African Exponent



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