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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Give me friendly fire any time? But not military fire, please!

No doubt acting out of curiosity, a reader emailed to ask me what the heading to this column, ‘Friendly Fire From Yesteryears,’ is intended to portray. How can fire be friendly, the fellow asked - perhaps bearing in mind such episodes as the Great Fire of London in 1666!


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Deadly friendly fire in 1939 still reverberates today!

Six historic events on a date like today’s, September 6, induce me to share them with my esteemed readers.


11 years ago


FRIENDLY FIRE FROM YESTERYEARS: From Lincoln to Lyatonga: Why Abe got ‘democracy’ wrong (I)

>About 130 years after Abraham ‘Abe’ Lincoln, the 16th US President (1861-65) was assassinated in Washington DC on April 14-15, 1865, Tanzania saw to a rise Phoenix-like from the political ashes  its own equally maverick son of the soil, Augustine ‘Inji Hii’ Lyatonga Mrema (born December 31, 1944 ...).


10 years ago


DC Comes Under Fire Over Favouritism

DC Comes Under Fire Over Favouritism
Dodoma — THE government is working on the allegations that Karagwe District Commissioner (DC), Ms Darry Rwegasira, was favouring illegal immigrants from Rwanda at the expense of district's residents. Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office ...
MP accuses DC of favouring foreignersIPPmedia

all 2


10 years ago


Ghana fire kills more than 70

More than 70 people die in a fire at a petrol station in Ghana's capital, Accra, during torrential rain, the fire service says.


10 years ago

Daily News

Isles AG under fire over absence

Daily News
Isles AG under fire over absence
Daily News
THE Zanzibar Attorney General (AG), Mr Othman Masoud Othman, on Wednesday experienced a rough time in the Constituent Assembly when a member from the Isles, Mr Yahya Kassim Issa, accused him of absenteeism. Mr Issa, who is also a Member of ...


11 years ago

Herald Sun

New Ellenbrook fire threat

The West Australian
New Ellenbrook fire threat
Herald Sun
A FIRE has started in Ellenbrook bushland this morning, just hours after authorities managed to control another blaze in Kwinana. The Department of Fire and Emergency Services issued a watch and act alert for the southern part of Aveley, south of Millhouse ...
Aveley residents urged to leave or defend early morning fireWA today
Bushfire alert for AveleyThe West Australian

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11 years ago

Daily News

Assembly oaths under more fire

Daily News
Assembly oaths under more fire
Daily News
AS the timetable for official launching of the Constituent Assembly (CA) is badly affected by preliminary arrangements like fixing Standing Orders, efforts to reduce time for members to take oaths failed. On Tuesday evening, the Interim Chairman, Mr Ameir ...


10 years ago


Crooked officials under fire

>Chief Secretary Ombeni Sefue has urged permanent secretaries in different ministries who will fail to correct deficiencies raised by the Controller and Auditor General (CAG) to voluntarily resign.


11 years ago

Daily News

RITA under fire in the House

Daily News
RITA under fire in the House
Daily News
REGISTRATION, Insolvency and Trusteeship Agency (RITA) came under intense criticism on Tuesday, with an MP accusing it of inflating charges for birth registration and certificates. Ms Pauline Gekul (Special Seats-Chadema) accused RITA officers of ...



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