
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Govt bodies improve in audit

>Public procurement entities have shown improvement in their compliance with procurement rules, according to an audit report released yesterday.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Lipumba: We’re doing govt audit

Civic United Front (CUF) chairman, Prof Ibrahim Lipumba, yesterday said the recently formed union of oppostiion parties has deployed a team to carry out analysis of government expenditure to determine loopholes through which public funds have been “looted.”


9 years ago


Govt urged to amend Public Audit Act to increase internal auditors powers

Govt urged to amend Public Audit Act to increase internal auditors powers
The government has been urged to amend the Public Audit Act, 2008 and Internal Control and Internal Audit (Regulations) 2014 to increase autonomous of internal auditors. The Internal Auditor General, Mohammed Mtonga made the call in Dar es Salaam ...


10 years ago


Govt challenged to improve openness, accountability

Govt challenged to improve openness, accountability
The government has been challenged to improve its structuring to be more open, accountable and responsible to its people. The challenged was levied by Twaweza Executive Director Aidan Eyakuze in an exclusive interview with The Guardian recently in ...


11 years ago


Govt on ‘the right track to improve business climate’

The Tanzania private sector says it sees commitment in the government’s initiatives to improve the business environment in the country.


10 years ago


Govt moves to improve Math teaching

>A novel plan to improve the quality of teaching Mathematics, English and Kiswahili in primary and secondary schools has been unveiled by the ministry of Education and Vocational Training.


11 years ago

Daily News

Govt aims to improve quality of education

Daily News
Govt aims to improve quality of education
Daily News
THE government is working out special incentives to attract the best talents in the teaching profession, with special focus on mathematics and science subjects. Education and Vocational Training Minister, Shukuru Kawambwa said in Dar es Salaam yesterday ...


9 years ago


Improve business climate, govt urged

President Jakaya Kikwete and his government’s senior officials yesterday met members of the private sector to deliberate on ways of improving the business climate as businesses cry of operating in an unfriendly environment.


11 years ago

Daily News

Govt moves to improve fire fighting

Govt moves to improve fire fighting
Daily News
THE state is set to harmonise fire monitoring policy for effective fire fighting with statistics showing that over 89,213 incidents were detected in various regions countrywide, by December last year. Senior Cartographer in the Ministry of Natural Resources and ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Govt reiterates resolve to improve roads countrywide

Govt reiterates resolve to improve roads countrywide
Daily News
THE government has expressed its commitment to improve roads in all districts in the country. Minister for Works, Dr John Magufuli, told the House that the government would continue releasing money through the Road Fund to improve roads in various ...



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