
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Govt reiterates resolve to improve roads countrywide

Govt reiterates resolve to improve roads countrywide
Daily News
THE government has expressed its commitment to improve roads in all districts in the country. Minister for Works, Dr John Magufuli, told the House that the government would continue releasing money through the Road Fund to improve roads in various ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


CCM reiterates stance on two-govt system

>Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) has reiterated its support for the two-government system that is currently in operation, and which it wants incorporated into the envisaged new constitution.


10 years ago


Govt plans to upgrade airports countrywide

Govt plans to upgrade airports countrywide
The government through Tanzania Airports Authority (TAA) has pledged to improve all airports infrastructures depending on availability of funds, the Deputy Minister for Transport Dr Charles Tizeba has said. He told the National Assembly here yesterday when ...


11 years ago


Govt to conduct countrywide licence verification

The government will conduct a business licence verification countrywide in adherence to the newly introduced annual business subscription system.


10 years ago


Govt reiterates plan to revamp deep sea fishing

Govt reiterates plan to revamp deep sea fishing
The government has said that it will look into the Deep Sea Act and seek for MP's expertise on how to benefit from deep sea fishing as it is reported that the country loses billions of shillings in royalties from the sector. Deputy Minister for Livestock and ...


10 years ago

Times Of Zambia

Govt to resolve Army challenges

Times of Zambia
Govt to resolve Army challenges
Times of Zambia
Mr Lungu said his Government was aware about the many challenges army personnel were facing and that Government would ensure that they were addressed. Mr Lungu said this in a speech read for him by Army Commander Lieutenant General Paul ...


9 years ago


Villagers blame govt for failure to resolve land dispute

Uvinje village leaders in Bagamoyo district, Coast region, have appealed to the government to help them find a lasting solution to a land dispute between the village and Saadani National Park (Sanapa).


10 years ago


Govt sets aside Sh720bn for regional, district roads

The government has dished out Sh726 billion to the Road Fund in this financial year for construction of regional and district roads and the minister for Works, Dr John Magufuli, has directed that tenders for such undertakings should be reserved for local contractors.


10 years ago


Govt bodies improve in audit

>Public procurement entities have shown improvement in their compliance with procurement rules, according to an audit report released yesterday.


11 years ago

Daily News

Govt aims to improve quality of education

Daily News
Govt aims to improve quality of education
Daily News
THE government is working out special incentives to attract the best talents in the teaching profession, with special focus on mathematics and science subjects. Education and Vocational Training Minister, Shukuru Kawambwa said in Dar es Salaam yesterday ...



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