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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Govt has no monopoly of sound judgement and political wisdom

At best the nationalist political parties and the traditional rulers represented the people. The overwhelming desire then was to throw away the york of colonialism, hence an imperfect document was accepted to facilitate the transition to independence.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Bad political ‘parts’; govt ‘on’ fire over budget

You just can’t be too careful with our kind of work, which entails putting into written form the words or ideas in our possession as you seek to inform, educate and entertain. Now cartoons are about drawings, but at times, our creative colleagues in this genre introduce (a few) words to boost what they’re out to say pictorially.


9 years ago

Daily News

Govt bans political rallies at Dar stadia

Govt bans political rallies at Dar stadia
Daily News
THE government has banned the holding of campaign rallies at the Uhuru Stadium and the National Stadium in Dar es Salaam. “The government has not, and will not, allow any political party to use the two stadiums for any political activity, including ...


10 years ago


Local govt cautions religious leaders against political bias.

Local govt cautions religious leaders against political bias.
Local government authorities in Misungwi District have cautioned religious leaders against political bias and this been an election year, urged the clerics to place special emphasis on peace. Addressing a district elders and religious leaders introductory ...


11 years ago


Waive power monopoly

Electricity is an essential service. Its quality, cost and availability can determine the success or failure of our development efforts.


11 years ago


VIDEO: Wheelbarrow monopoly in Sudan

Sudan's market workers face high rental fees in transport monopoly


10 years ago


Concern over monopoly in bulk oil importation

>The government has been asked to review the fuel Bulk Procurement System (BPS) because there are indications that the system has created monopoly.


10 years ago


100 investors fear Tanesco monopoly

 The Tanzania Electric Supply Company (Tanesco) monopoly is discouraging at least 100 investors who want to enter into the energy market, BusinessWeek has learnt.


11 years ago


Shell in Nigeria judgement

Anglo-Dutch oil giant shell is braced to pay up to £30m in compensation after two oil spills in Nigeria, but lawyers for the communities affected say the company has a responsibility to protects its pipelines from thieves.


9 years ago


ICTR releases 2 in last judgement

The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) wound up its business yesterday after 20 years by releasing two of the six convicts who had earlier been jailed for long terms for their alleged role in the 1994 Rwanda genocide.



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