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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Waive power monopoly

Electricity is an essential service. Its quality, cost and availability can determine the success or failure of our development efforts.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

New Vision

EAC leaders waive permit fees for citizens

The Standard Digital News (satire) (press release) (registration) (blog)
EAC leaders waive permit fees for citizens
New Vision
Minister for Foreign Affairs Okello Oryem addressing journalists about the Northern Corridor Integration Projects at Ministry of Foreign Affair in in Kampala. PHOTO/Mary Kansiime. mail. img. newvision. mail; img. By David Lumu and David Lukiiza If you are a ...
Rwanda, Uganda and Kenya Officials to Raise Railway Project Funds in
Four Countries to Meet...


11 years ago


VIDEO: Wheelbarrow monopoly in Sudan

Sudan's market workers face high rental fees in transport monopoly


10 years ago


Concern over monopoly in bulk oil importation

>The government has been asked to review the fuel Bulk Procurement System (BPS) because there are indications that the system has created monopoly.


10 years ago


100 investors fear Tanesco monopoly

 The Tanzania Electric Supply Company (Tanesco) monopoly is discouraging at least 100 investors who want to enter into the energy market, BusinessWeek has learnt.


5 years ago


US airlines waive cancellation fees for South Korea flights as coronavirus spreads beyond China

US airlines waive cancellation fees for South Korea flights as coronavirus spreads beyond China  CNBCChina’s Airlines Begin Resuming International Services  Simple FlyingCarriers suspending flights to South Korea amid coronavirus scare  Focus Taiwan News ChannelCoronavirus live updates: Korean Air cabin crew member tests positive, Singapore Airlines freezes hiring  CNBCA Look At Air China’s Fifth Freedom Routes  Simple FlyingView Full coverage on Google...


11 years ago


Govt has no monopoly of sound judgement and political wisdom

At best the nationalist political parties and the traditional rulers represented the people. The overwhelming desire then was to throw away the york of colonialism, hence an imperfect document was accepted to facilitate the transition to independence.


10 years ago


The African Development Bank Group Supports Power Trade between Kenya and Tanzania ADF USD 144.9 million Loan to Kenya — Tanzania Power Interconnection Project

The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank Group (AfDB) approved an African Development Fund (ADF) Loan of USD 144.9 million1, to Kenya - Tanzania Power Interconnection Project.
The project will allow the two countries to exchange power. In addition, the Kenya-Tanzania Interconnection Project plays an important role in promoting regional integration through power trade.
The project is expected to improve the supply, reliability and affordability of electricity in the...



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