
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Govt officials implicated in Kiteto killings

Govt officials implicated in Kiteto killings
Goverment officials on the district level in land dispute ravaged Kiteto have been accused of corruption and are implicated by association in the death of several people killed in the on going land conflicts in the area. Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC) ...
LHRC blames bad leadership for Kiteto land conflictDaily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Forest stakeholders want tougher action against implicated officials

Forest stakeholders want tougher action against implicated officials
Forest stakeholders are demanding the government to toughens its action against implicated public service officials in illegal logging and charcoal burning if it is to curb the fast and wide spread degradation of forest resources across the country. 'Experience ...


11 years ago


60 people arrested over killings in Kiteto

60 people arrested over killings in Kiteto
Over 60 people have been arrested and interrogated by the police in connection to the killings of 19 people and injuring 14 others at Embroi Murtangos reserve in Kiteto, Manyara Region. Speaking to The Guardian yesterday in a telephone interview, ...


10 years ago


Five Kongwa Residents Nabbed Over Kiteto Killings

Five Kongwa Residents Nabbed Over Kiteto Killings
Dodoma — FIVE people have been detained by the police in Kongwa District, Dodoma Region, following fresh clashes between farmers and pastoralists in neighbouring Kiteto District, Manyara Region, which have left four people dead. Minister for Home ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Ongoing killings in Kiteto district anger Ndugai

Daily News
Ongoing killings in Kiteto district anger Ndugai
Daily News
NATIONAL Assembly Deputy Speaker, Mr Job Ndugai, has expressed lament over the killings in Kiteto district, Manyara region, saying the situation there is serious. Mr Ndugai was commenting after a response from Minister of State in the President's Office ...


11 years ago


Revealed: Government takes blame on Kiteto killings

Revealed: Government takes blame on Kiteto killings
Kiteto district in northern Tanzania literally turned into a battlefield for more than three weeks between 20 December, 2013 and 12 January, 2014, during which more than 15 people were killed over land conflicts across the district. The brutal killings which ...


10 years ago


Govt not doing enough to end albino killings

The right to life is a constitutional right of every person in the world and such it is provided for in Article 14 of The Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, 1977.


11 years ago


EU petitions govt over resurgence in albino killings

 The European Union (EU) has written to the government to express its shock and concern over the ongoing killings of people with albinism in the country.


10 years ago


Govt lax on albino killings, critics say

The resumption of attacks on Albinos this year have reenforced allegations that wichdoctors use use body parts of albino’s to make spells bring good luck and can, allegedly, be used to conjure up votes and help politicians win elections, stakeholders say.


10 years ago


Govt intervention sought to end land conflict killings in Dodoma

Govt intervention sought to end land conflict killings in Dodoma
Following a series of land conflict related killings in several villages in the new Nchemba District, Dodoma Region, villagers and leaders in the district are calling for immediate intervention from the central government. The villagers of Farkwa, Ovada and ...



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