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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Govt set to reopen blocked wildlife corridors, inks USD14 million pact

Govt set to reopen blocked wildlife corridors, inks USD14 million pact
The government is to re-open closed wildlife corridors across the country, the Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, Lazaro Nyalandu announced yesterday. He was speaking in the northern tourist hub city of Arusha during the official launch of a project ...
'Nyalandu needs improved lives'Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Ukawa inks 'single councillor' pact

Ukawa inks 'single councillor' pact
The Coalition of People's Constitution (Ukawa) yesterday signed an agreement to file a single candidate for councillorship in the coming October General Election. The coalition includes four political parties of Civic United Front (CUF), The National ...


9 years ago


Airline in pact over wildlife protection

Fastjet Tanzania has entered into an agreement with AviAssist of the Netherlands to deliver training on wildlife protection to airport officials. The airline’s general manager Jimmy Kibati said yesterday that Fastjet would hold the training in its head office in Dar es Salaam.


11 years ago


We’ll reopen plant, farmers tell govt

The conflict pitting tea farmers in Bumbuli, Lushoto District and the government over the closure of the Mponde tea factory has reached another level after the former threatened to open it at the end of the month.


5 years ago

Chronicle 99

Sunlight Inks Market Strategic Analysis 2019 | SICPA, Sun Chemical, Microtrace, CTI, Gleitsmann Security Inks, Collins

Sunlight Inks Market Strategic Analysis 2019 | SICPA, Sun Chemical, Microtrace, CTI, Gleitsmann Security Inks, Collins  Chronicle 99


10 years ago


Leaders urge govt to reopen Garissa University College

Celebrations to mark four months since the attack on the university


11 years ago


Over 500 Million Tshs. raised in Paris for Wildlife Conservation in Tanzania

Over 500 Million Tanzanian shillings was raised during the recent Wildlife Conservation Foundation of Tanzania annual fundraising dinner last night in Paris, France.  Speaking during the function, Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism Hon. Lazaro Nyalandu thanked the foundation for their passion in wildlife conservation over the past 10 years since the foundation was formed as they have contributed much to the wildlife sector through their donations in terms of vehicles, equipment and...


11 years ago

Daily News

Some 500 wildlife conservators set to be employed by ministry

Daily News
Some 500 wildlife conservators set to be employed by ministry
Daily News
ABOUT 500 wildlife conservators will be employed next fiscal year as part of the country's strategy to reduce shortage of staff, which is impeding wildlife and natural resources management. Minister for Tourism and Natural Resources, Mr Lazaro Nyarandu, ...


11 years ago


Blame govt, operators for wildlife woes

The Shadow minister for Natural Resources & Tourism in the Tanzania Parliament, Rev. Peter Msigwa, released a documentary purported to be audio-visual evidence of a blatant breach of statutory norms in the wildlife sub-sector. The video shows at least 11 different malpractices amounting to statutory criminal offences.


9 years ago


Govt forms new agency for wildlife protection

Govt forms new agency for wildlife protection
The government has crafted Wildlife Management Authority to reinforce the fight against poaching activities from within and beyond the national borders. The move is geared to spearhead efforts to combat illegal activity which have ravaged the nation's ...
New authority to bolster conservation of wildlifeDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)

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