
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Grocery stores bracing for holiday rush

WJXT Jacksonville
Grocery stores bracing for holiday rush
WJXT Jacksonville
Grocery stores are already seeing a rush a day ahead of Thanksgiving, and many brought in extra employees to deal with the crowds. The Winn-Dixie in Lakewood is open until 11 p.m. Wednesday and will be open until 4 p.m. Thursday. “It has just been ...
Winn-Dixie Thanksgiving Store
Publix vs. Winn-Dixie: Who has the better deals for your Thanksgiving feast?WPTV

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WJXT Jacksonville

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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago

The New York Times

Help Wanted: Grocery Stores, Pizza Chains and Amazon Are Hiring

Help Wanted: Grocery Stores, Pizza Chains and Amazon Are Hiring  The New York TimesView Full coverage on Google News


9 years ago


Atheists rush to court to block Thursday’s Pope holiday

Atheists have moved to court in a bid to challenge the government’s declaration of Thursday as national holiday terming the move as unconstitutional.


5 years ago


The $400 billion space industry is bracing for coronavirus, as two NASA employees test positive

The $400 billion space industry is bracing for coronavirus, as two NASA employees test positive  CNBCNASA Marshall shifts to telework after coronavirus case  SpaceNewsMarshall Space Flight Employee Positive For Coronavirus  Bama PoliticsHow Marshall Space Flight Center is handling coronavirus  WAAYNASA requires staff to telecommute at Alabama center after employee tests positive for coronavirus  CNNView Full coverage on Google News


11 years ago


At the grocery with truly liberated ladies

It’s your day off. You’ve plenty of time since the wet weather has forced you to cancel the date with one Massawe, a “friend” with whom you were to take a bus to the outer fringes of the city to take a look at a piece of land which a friend of his is selling, according to him, for a song.


11 years ago


THE PUB: Why you’ve shifted to another grocery

>You’re in yet another drinking session away from your local one. Everybody seems happy and it must be because we’re all taking brands that don’t cost a limb.


9 years ago


MEN'S CORNER: At village grocery, bro pops in ‘accidentally’

After a busy day on the hillsides of Mount Kamwala, a man deserves a drink, doesn’t he? Yes, he does. So younger bro Teshanya suggests you go to Sammy’s (our people call the “grocery” Kwa Thami), a joint famous for “nyama rosti” and “kuku choma”.


10 years ago


Why this rush for referendum?

While the process of updating the voters’ register using the biometric voter’s registration (BVR) is still in slow progress, thus making holding a referendum for the proposed Constitution untenable, the government maintains that the date for referendum will not change.


10 years ago


NEC says can’t rush Katiba referendum

>Tanzanians may not go to a referendum to approve the proposed new constitution any time soon, according to the chairman of the National Electoral Commission (NEC), Retired Judge Damian Lubuva.


11 years ago

Daily News

'Gold rush' could be big scam

'Gold rush' could be big scam
Daily News
AUTHORITIES in Ngorongoro District say the so-called 'gold' discoveries in Sonjo plains, are not confirmed. “All we can say at the moment is that, residents of Mgongo Village in Samunge Ward have been scooping mineral deposits on the bank of the ...



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