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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Help Address Unemployment, Colleges Urged

Help Address Unemployment, Colleges Urged
ZANZIBAR Second Vice-President, Ambassador Seif Ali Iddi has said that the challenge of unemployment can only be addressed by making sure that all higher learning institutions have a curriculum that prepares graduates to employ themselves, rather ...

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Vocational training colleges urged to introduce entrepreneurship courses

Vocational training colleges urged to introduce entrepreneurship courses
Entrepreneurship skills are to be incorporated in vocational training colleges' curriculums if they are to produce students able to engage in self-employment and become job creators rather than seekers. “It is high time for colleges to ensure that students are ...


10 years ago


Address Burundi violence, EAC urged

East African Community (EAC) member states must intervene to stop Burundi’s pre-election violence or allow the international community to act on their behalf, lawyers, political analysts and human rights activists have said.


10 years ago

Daily News

Address community problems through research, dons urged

Address community problems through research, dons urged
Daily News
ACADEMICIANS were Monday challenged to conduct researches that address community problems instead of focusing solely on their academic ambitions. Speaking at an event to mark the Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE)'s research ...


9 years ago


Magufuli urged to address loopholes in marriage law

Canadian High Commissioner to Tanzania Alexandre Lévêque has appealed to President John Magufuli to address discrepancies found in the Marriage Act, 1971 so that it defines who a child is and protects children’s rights.


9 years ago

Daily News | The National Newspaper (Press Release) (Blog)

Aspirants urged to address plight of older persons

Aspirants urged to address plight of older persons
Daily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
CONTESTANTS in the presidential and parliamentary elections in Tanzania have been challenged to expound their visions and policies towards the aged before polling day. 0 Comments. HelpAge International Deputy Country Director, Mr Smart Daniel, said ...


10 years ago


Stamp out bogus colleges

The need to train youth is greater today than ever before. Parents will spend their last shilling to ensure their offspring get an opportunity to acquire one form or another of professional skills.


9 years ago


Colleges to Go On Break for Elections

Colleges to Go On Break for Elections
Tanzania's National Council for Technical Education (NACTE) has directed all colleges to remain closed to allow students to participate in the general election slated for October 25. Mr Adold Rutayuga, NACTE Acting Executive Secretary Adolf Rutayuga ...


10 years ago

Daily News

New VETA training colleges on horizon

Daily News
New VETA training colleges on horizon
Daily News
THE government, in collaboration with the African Development Bank (AfDB), will invest more than 22 million US dollars in building four new vocational education training centres in the newly establhed regions, it was revealed in Arusha. The Acting Director ...


9 years ago


Tanzania to Close Colleges for Elections

Tanzania to Close Colleges for Elections
Tanzania's National Council for Technical Education (NACTE) has directed all colleges to remain closed to allow students to participate in the general election slated for October 25. Mr Adold Rutayuga, NACTE Acting Executive Secretary Adolf Rutayuga ...



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