
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Magufuli urged to address loopholes in marriage law

Canadian High Commissioner to Tanzania Alexandre Lévêque has appealed to President John Magufuli to address discrepancies found in the Marriage Act, 1971 so that it defines who a child is and protects children’s rights.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Help Address Unemployment, Colleges Urged

Help Address Unemployment, Colleges Urged
ZANZIBAR Second Vice-President, Ambassador Seif Ali Iddi has said that the challenge of unemployment can only be addressed by making sure that all higher learning institutions have a curriculum that prepares graduates to employ themselves, rather ...


10 years ago


Lobby demands review of Child Law and Marriage Act

Lobby demands review of Child Law and Marriage Act
Stakeholders are pushing for inclusion of their views to the controversial Child Law of 2009 citing the inherent contradiction of the law and the Marriage Act. While the latter legalises marriage of girls at the age 14 and 15 with court and parents ...


9 years ago

Daily News

SADC drafts model law to control child marriage

SADC drafts model law to control child marriage
Daily News
THE Southern African Development Community (SADC) is working on a Model Law on Child Marriage, which seeks to prevent, prohibit and respond to all forms of the vice which is prevalent in Tanzania and other member countries of the regional grouping.


10 years ago


Address Burundi violence, EAC urged

East African Community (EAC) member states must intervene to stop Burundi’s pre-election violence or allow the international community to act on their behalf, lawyers, political analysts and human rights activists have said.


9 years ago

Daily News | The National Newspaper (Press Release) (Blog)

Aspirants urged to address plight of older persons

Aspirants urged to address plight of older persons
Daily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
CONTESTANTS in the presidential and parliamentary elections in Tanzania have been challenged to expound their visions and policies towards the aged before polling day. 0 Comments. HelpAge International Deputy Country Director, Mr Smart Daniel, said ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Address community problems through research, dons urged

Address community problems through research, dons urged
Daily News
ACADEMICIANS were Monday challenged to conduct researches that address community problems instead of focusing solely on their academic ambitions. Speaking at an event to mark the Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE)'s research ...


10 years ago


Pass new law, Zanzibaris urged

Zanzibar government said yesterday the disbanded Constituent Assembly (CA) decided to include land on the list of Union matters so as to give Zanzibaris a constitutional right to own land in both Tanganyika and Zanzibar.


9 years ago


Tanzanian political parties urged to obey electoral law

Tanzanian political parties urged to obey electoral law
The Mozambican Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Oldemiro Baloi has urged the political parties in Tanzania to respect the law and adhere to the electoral code of conduct during the general elections scheduled for 25 October, APA learns here ...
SADC calls for free, fair electionsDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
Southern Africa: SADC Calls for Free, Fair

all 5


9 years ago

Raia Mwema

The great marriage debate, Churchil, Magufuli na Lowassa

HATA kabla ya kampeni za Uchaguzi Mkuu kushika kasi, limekuwa ni jambo la kawaida kwa wanasiasa w

Deus Bugaywa



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