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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Here’s hidden gem for next president

You have missed the point, those who view the recent Twaweza research on voting trends simply as pro or against them have been told.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Mbaga, Same: A hidden travel gem

My acquaintance and I left Arusha in the early morning  for a long drive to Same, one of the towns in Kilimanjaro Region located on the highway to Tanga and Dar es Salaam.


11 years ago


Gem heist probe completed

>A file containing charges on seven employees of TanzaniteOne Mining Limited (TML) who are alleged to have stolen 15 kilograms of tanzanite has been handed over to the Attorney General, police say.


10 years ago


Hopes high for Arusha gem fair

Preparations for the third Arusha Gemstone Fair (AGF) have been finalised and it will once again showcase its great potential for gemstones, now contributing significantly to national earnings. Organisers say local participants are expected to strike sales exceeding Sh6.9 billion generated during last year’s show, which enabled the government to earn S.227.4 million royalties.


11 years ago


Robbers in gem heist tampered with cameras

Closed-circuit television cameras were disabled at the Mererani gemstone mines on the day 15 kilogrammes of tanzanite were grabbed by robbers, sources said.


10 years ago


Man who discovered tanzanite says hasn’t benefited from gem

The early bird catches the worm, but this has not been the case with Jumanne Ngoma, as the first man to spot tanzanite at Mirerani in 1967. Mr Ngoma says he had never benefited from the rare gemstone so far found in Tanzania alone.


11 years ago


Call for action plan to check gem smuggling

MPs yesterday asked Energy and Minerals ministry to put proper strategies in place that would help in weeding out mineral smugglers.


10 years ago


No hidden agenda, please!

Yesterday, the media reported that the National Electoral Commission (NEC) will not rush into a referendum before updating the voters register. 


9 years ago


Tanzania's hidden treasure

Tanzanian crystals 1,000 times rarer than diamonds


9 years ago

Party Politics (2) Many Political Parties ...

Hidden Challenges of Multi

Hidden Challenges of Multi-Party Politics (2) Many Political Parties ...
Ih an earlier article for this column, I presented one of the major impediments to the smooth operation of the multi-party political system in a number of countries, including Tanzania, which I described as lack of requite multiparty political culture ...
Nation Gears Up for Closest Ever ElectionsAfrican Arguments (registration)

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