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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


HESLB new list of beneficiaries out

The Higher Education Students Loans Board (HESLB) has refuted reports that it has no intention of issuing loans to new applicants in the 2015/16 academic year.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Wyre Tops PRISK’s Royalties Earners List (Full List)


The Performers Rights Society of Kenya (PRISK), a collective management organization licensed to represent performers in musical an dramatic works, has released its’ list of top royalty earners for the year 2014.


A press release by PRISK states that the body witnessed a 303% growth in royalties distributed.

Royalties paid to the lowest and highest earning members also grew by 200% and 62% respectively.

“We are delighted to announce an unprecedented 303% growth in royalties distributed. We...


10 years ago


CCM to decide on escrow beneficiaries

The fate of prominent CCM members implicated in the Tegeta escrow account scandal is now in the hands of the party’s ethics committee, which will meet on January 19. This was one of the resolutions reached by the ruling party’s Central Committee, which met on Tuesday in Zanzibar.


9 years ago


List ya washindi wa tuzo za Globe Soccer Awards 2015, Lionel Messi kashinda, hii ndio list kamili …

Ikiwa ni siku kadhaa zimepita toka gazeti la Hispania la Marca litangaze list ya wachezaji kumi bora kwa mwaka 2015 ikiongozwa na Lionel Messi ikifuatiwana Neymar na Cristiano Ronaldo kutajwa kuwa nafasi ya nane. December 27 Lionel Messi ametajwa kushinda tuzo ya mchezaji bora wa mwaka 2015 (Globe Soccer Awards) inayotolewa kila mwaka. Globe Soccer Awards […]

The post List ya washindi wa tuzo za Globe Soccer Awards 2015, Lionel Messi kashinda, hii ndio list kamili … appeared first on...


5 years ago

The Citizen Daily

Tasaf set to weed out ‘ghost’ beneficiaries

Tasaf set to weed out ‘ghost’ beneficiaries  The Citizen Daily


11 years ago

Daily News

New insurance scheme to secure beneficiaries' education

New insurance scheme to secure beneficiaries' education
Daily News
MILLIONS of Tanzanians residing in both rural and urban areas now have some assurance of seeing their children through school thanks to the launching of an education insurance scheme. Speaking at the launch yesterday, the Bayport Financial Services ...


10 years ago


Tanzania among 5 top beneficiaries of PTA loans

Tanzania has been named among top five countries that benefit from the Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank (PTA Bank) loans.


10 years ago


Goat Races organisers unveil 7 beneficiaries

Goat Races organisers unveil 7 beneficiaries
Seven charitable organisations stand to benefit from this year's Dar es Salaam Charity Goat Races to be held on May 30 at the Green alongside Kenyatta Drive, organisers announced yesterday. Committee's chair Karen Stanley said 48 charitable ...
Goat Race Takes Place on May

all 4


11 years ago

Tanzania Daima

Mafanikio na changamoto za HESLB

KATIKA kuhakikisha wanafunzi wa elimu ya juu wanapata unafuu katika kugharimia masomo yao, serikali ilianzisha mpango maalumu wa kuwakopesha fedha watakazorejesha baada ya kuhitimu na kupata ajira. Mikopo hiyo kwa...


11 years ago



Wananchama wa Chama cha Wafanyakazi wa Taasisi za Elimu ya Juu, Sayansi, Teknolojia, Habari na Utafiti nchini (RAAWU), Tawi la Bodi ya Mikopo ya Wanafunzi wa Elimu ya Juu (HESLB) wamekutana kwa semina ya siku mbili mwishoni mwa wiki iliyopita kupitia pamoja na mambo mengine; masuala ya nafasi na wajibu wa kisheria wa vyama vya wafanyakazi katika kuleta tija na ufanisi sehemu za kazi.
Akifungua semina hiyo ya siku mbili kwa wanachama wa RAAWU tawi la HESLB, Kaimu Mkurugenzi Msaidizi wa...



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