
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


House prices skyrocket as property taxes climb

We have noticed a growing interest in real estate development in Tanzania especially by new entrants. Is this good for the industry?


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


How taxes, fees eat into decreases in oil prices

Government taxes and its various agencies account for close to half of the amount that Tanzanians pay on every litre of petroleum products, a development that denies the country a chance to reap massive benefits from declining global fuel prices, data shows.


10 years ago


WARAH: High property prices in the world’s most unliveable city

>I recently read an article that explained how dirty money has been driving up property prices in London.


10 years ago


VIDEO: Namibian house prices create slums

Tamasin Ford reports on the effects of rapidly rising house prices in Windhoek, Namibia.


10 years ago

Reuters Africa

Tanzania raises petrol, diesel prices pump prices

Reuters Africa
Tanzania raises petrol, diesel prices pump prices
Reuters Africa
DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - Tanzania's energy regulatory body raised the retail prices of petrol and diesel on Thursday after global oil prices rose and the local currency weakened, but left kerosene prices unchanged in its latest monthly review. Fuel prices ...
Eight appear in Tanzanian court for chopping off albino woman's handThe Daily Star

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5 years ago


NASA disaster! Mars mission under threat as costs skyrocket

NASA disaster! Mars mission under threat as costs skyrocket's Curiosity Mars Rover Takes a New Selfie Before Record Climb  NASA Mars ExplorationNASA's Mars Lander Just Had to Hit Itself With a Shovel to Get Unstuck  ScienceAlertUAE Mars probe could help battle climate change on Earth  euronews (in English)NASA Fixes Invaluable Space Probe the Way We All Would: By Smacking It With a Shovel  The Mary SueView Full coverage on Google...


9 years ago


Search aliens house-to-house, Kitwanga orders Immigration

Home Affairs minister Charles Kitwanga, has directed Immigration Services department to conduct a one-month operation to identify and arrest people staying in Tanzania illegally.


10 years ago


A climb to remember
A climb to remember
Dubai: In a bid to raise funds for victims of human trafficking in India, I am all set to scale Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania on August 6. I was first introduced to this issue three years ago, when watching Technology, Entertainment, Design Talks (Ted), a global ...
Mearns man tackles Kilimanjaro for charityGlasgow South and Eastwood Extra

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11 years ago


9 years ago


How to climb up the ladder by defining your uniqueness

“I want be my own person” is a very common desire.



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