
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


WARAH: High property prices in the world’s most unliveable city

>I recently read an article that explained how dirty money has been driving up property prices in London.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


House prices skyrocket as property taxes climb

We have noticed a growing interest in real estate development in Tanzania especially by new entrants. Is this good for the industry?


5 years ago

The Citizen Daily

High tomato prices a boon to farmers

High tomato prices a boon to farmers  The Citizen Daily


10 years ago


High freight charges raise prices of goods

Prices of goods to final consumers rise because import freight charges are high.This happens because empty containers are sent to the countries of origin.


10 years ago


‘Food prices too high for the majority ahead of Christmas’

>Residents here have complained against the increase in food prices in many areas ahead of end of the year festive season where prices of staple food doubled a week before Christmas.


5 years ago


Oil prices could soon turn negative as the world runs out of places to store crude, analysts warn

Oil prices could soon turn negative as the world runs out of places to store crude, analysts warn  CNBCUS crude up by 2.9%, at $20.68 a barrel | Oil prices | US Crude Oil | World News  WIONThe Inevitable Collapse Of Global Oil Production  OilPrice.comThe Other Emergency Is Crashing Oil Prices  ResilienceThe Oil Price War Pits Efficiency Against Security  ForbesView Full coverage on Google News


10 years ago


World Bank: Poverty still high

Official figures show that poverty has been decreasing in the past five years, but the World Bank says the vast majority of Tanzanians still live in poverty.


10 years ago


World's displaced 'hits record high'

The number of people displaced by war, conflict or persecution reached a record high of nearly 60 million around the world in 2014, a UN report says.


10 years ago


Algeria hit new world rankings high

Algeria rise to their highest ever position in Fifa's world rankings after being placed 15th on the global list for October.


10 years ago

Reuters Africa

Tanzania raises petrol, diesel prices pump prices

Reuters Africa
Tanzania raises petrol, diesel prices pump prices
Reuters Africa
DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - Tanzania's energy regulatory body raised the retail prices of petrol and diesel on Thursday after global oil prices rose and the local currency weakened, but left kerosene prices unchanged in its latest monthly review. Fuel prices ...
Eight appear in Tanzanian court for chopping off albino woman's handThe Daily Star

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