
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


How varsities are reviving Dodoma’s sleepy economy

>Economic hardships that Dodoma residents have faced for years are now decreasing due to the mushrooming of universities and colleges which are said to have attracted various business firms and individual traders to invest here, The Citizen has been told.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Sleepy US village is mobile phone free and loving it

In this rural speck of hyper-connected America, it’s easier to hear a cow moo than a cell phone ring.


11 years ago


Why reviving Tanganyika is inevitable

>The President went to the capital to bury Caesar. Dr Jakaya Kikwete deftly eschewed a Roma locuta stance in his address to the Constituent Assembly last Friday but it was clearly causa finita for the three-government system


10 years ago


ACT chair: We aim at reviving values of Arusha Declaration

Alliance for Change and Transparency (ACT-Wazalendo) has launched its resolution that seeks to revive the core values of the now neglected Arusha Declaration on socialism and self-reliance.


11 years ago


ECONOMY: Tanzania economy still fastest in region- report

>Tanzania maintained its place as one of 20 fastest growing economies in the world with its average growth rate of 6.9 per cent between 2005 and last calendar year, it has been reported.


10 years ago


Gender abuse even at varsities

>It has been revealed that many university students face gender harassment, defying the belief that educated people are more aware of what of human rights are all about.


10 years ago

Daily News

VP wants varsities to adapt to technology

VP wants varsities to adapt to technology
Daily News
THE Vice-President, Dr Mohamed Gharib Billal, has challenged local higher learning institutions to adapt to technological advancement and produce graduates who will meet the demands of the labour market. "Universities should not continue producing ...


10 years ago


Stop politics in varsities

Stop politics in varsities - govt
The Minister for Education and Vocational Training, Dr Shukuru Kawambwa has strongly condemned politicians for turning universities into political platforms and warned students to shun the illegal practice, saying it was detrimental to their course.


10 years ago

Daily News

Varsities counselled on job creation

Daily News
Varsities counselled on job creation
Daily News
MORE than 85 per cent of Tanzania's labour force is unskilled -- and reducing this gap remains a herculean task, which higher institutions of learning need to tackle soon if the country is to realise development vision 2025. Officiating at the Sixth Higher ...


5 years ago

The Citizen Daily

New conditions for varsities ranking in Tanzania

New conditions for varsities ranking in Tanzania  The Citizen Daily



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