New conditions for varsities ranking in Tanzania
New conditions for varsities ranking in Tanzania The Citizen Daily
The Citizen Daily
Habari Zinazoendana
10 years ago
TheCitizen12 Aug
Tanzania drops in prosperity ranking
Tanzanians are less prosperous than they were three years ago, a newly-released report shows.
5 years ago
The Citizen Daily10 Mar
Tanzania and Kenya lead on animal welfare ranking in Africa
Tanzania and Kenya lead on animal welfare ranking in Africa The Citizen DailyUnited States Trails Behind Mexico and India When It Comes to Animal Protection Laws, Report Finds NewsweekView Full coverage on Google News
9 years ago
AllAfrica.Com08 Oct
Tanzania Opens New Camps for Burundian Refugees to Ease Conditions in ...
Today, UNHCR started the relocation of 50,000 Burundian refugees to two camps in North West Tanzania, which the government has reopened to ease the suffering of tens of thousands of people in the crowded Nyarugusu camp. Following lengthy ...
10 years ago
The Guardian18 May
Burundi unrest leaves 50000 refugees facing dire conditions in Tanzania
The Guardian
The Guardian
Burundian refugees gather on the shores of Lake Tanganyika in western Tanzania's Kagunga village. They are awaiting water transport to carry them south to safety. Photograph: Thomas Mukoya/Reuters ...
Fearful, desperate refugees flee BurundiNews24
7 Burundi refugees die of 'severe diarrhea' in
Fearful and desperate, refugees flee Burundi unrestReuters
all 50
10 years ago
Vijimambo14 Oct
UK and international donors suspend Tanzania aid after corruption claims Payments of $490m frozen following claims that high-ranking officials siphoned off funds from the country’s central bank.
The chair of Tanzania’s public accounts committee, Zitto...
10 years ago
TheCitizen30 Oct
TZ ranking up in attracting businesses
Tanzania has improved 14 places in the World Bank’s ease of doing business, becom ing the second most attractive in the region after Rwanda.
9 years ago
TheCitizen02 Nov
Higher business ranking should spur us to do more
The business sector is a battlefield. While in military warfare victory is determined by factors like the combat skills and morale of soldiers, as well as the status of equipment, business success hinges on factors like the creativity of the operators and a conducive environment.
11 years ago
SA shock at 'worst maths ranking'
South Africa's ranking as worst in the world for its maths and science education is "a state of emergency", the main opposition says.
10 years ago
It is admittedly difficult to accurately rank national soccer teams given the differences in schedules and gaps between major tournaments, but FIFA’s official world rankings for July are absolutely baffling.
To determine the ranking, FIFA calculates the number of points each team has earned over the last four years. A team earns points for winning or drawing matches, and the matches are weighted by importance (a win in the World Cup is more meaningful to the ranking than a win in a friendly,...
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Tanzania Today
Today Breaking News,Tanzania World News
13-February-2025 in Tanzania