
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Higher business ranking should spur us to do more

The business sector is a battlefield. While in military warfare victory is determined by factors like the combat skills and morale of soldiers, as well as the status of equipment, business success hinges on factors like the creativity of the operators and a conducive environment.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


YOUR BUSINESS IS OUR BUSINESS : Study shows there’s good business in human waste!

Today is World Toilet Day… Cheers! The banner ‘Toilets save lives’ might sound mundane, far-fetched... Or, at best: a smart-alecky trader’s way of drawing attention to toilet-related ware be fobbed off upon unwary prospective customers…! 


9 years ago


YOUR BUSINESS IS OUR BUSINESS: Retiring from Tanzania’s presidency is good business

Seemingly for the umpteenth time, Tanzania’s major partners-in-development have come out in lavish praise for what they described as peaceful, stable transition from one govt to another.


10 years ago


Will Katiba spur social change?

Even before independence, Tanganyika had already identified poverty, ignorance and disease as three main enemies of development.


9 years ago


Will Asia-made jets spur interest in EA?

China and Japan are developing commercial aircraft models that will compete with Brazilian and Canadian rivals in the global market for smaller aircraft but in Tanzania, it will take decades for authorities to certify such airplanes.


10 years ago


TZ ranking up in attracting businesses

Tanzania has improved 14 places in the World Bank’s ease of doing business, becom ing the second most attractive in the region after Rwanda.


10 years ago


Tanzania embraces mathematics to spur economic growth

Dar es Salaam. Africa will attain the desired higher growth levels if the continent decides to invest massively in the teaching of mathematical scientists, experts say.


11 years ago


Three cashew processing plants to spur sector growth

Tanzania cashew nut industry is set to improve following the country’s plans to construct three new processing industries this year.


11 years ago


SA shock at 'worst maths ranking'

South Africa's ranking as worst in the world for its maths and science education is "a state of emergency", the main opposition says.


5 years ago

The Citizen Daily

New conditions for varsities ranking in Tanzania

New conditions for varsities ranking in Tanzania  The Citizen Daily



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