
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Will Asia-made jets spur interest in EA?

China and Japan are developing commercial aircraft models that will compete with Brazilian and Canadian rivals in the global market for smaller aircraft but in Tanzania, it will take decades for authorities to certify such airplanes.


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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago


Interest in private jets surges as coronavirus keeps airlines away from China

Interest in private jets surges as coronavirus keeps airlines away from China  Livemint


10 years ago


Will Katiba spur social change?

Even before independence, Tanganyika had already identified poverty, ignorance and disease as three main enemies of development.


9 years ago


Higher business ranking should spur us to do more

The business sector is a battlefield. While in military warfare victory is determined by factors like the combat skills and morale of soldiers, as well as the status of equipment, business success hinges on factors like the creativity of the operators and a conducive environment.


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Why do presidential jets cause a storm?

Why presidential jets attract such uproar in Africa


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Tanzania embraces mathematics to spur economic growth

Dar es Salaam. Africa will attain the desired higher growth levels if the continent decides to invest massively in the teaching of mathematical scientists, experts say.


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Three cashew processing plants to spur sector growth

Tanzania cashew nut industry is set to improve following the country’s plans to construct three new processing industries this year.


10 years ago

Daily News

President jets back from US on Monday

Daily News
President jets back from US on Monday
Daily News
PRESIDENT Jakaya Kikwete returns home today after concluding his fiveday engagement at the United Nations where he addressed fellow leaders and held various bilateral meetings on diverse issues. While here, the president also attended a UN Security ...
Tanzanian president expresses hope from collaboration with RutgersRU Daily Targum
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all 7


5 years ago


US says Russia sent jets to Libya 'mercenaries'

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5 years ago

Financial Times

EU backs bank rule delay to spur crisis lending

EU backs bank rule delay to spur crisis lending  Financial TimesS. Korea to implement new global bank capital rules in Q2  The Korea HeraldView Full coverage on Google News



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