IAA launches new campus in Mwanza City
Mwanza acting regional commissioner Baraka Konisaga (C) cuts a ribbon to launch the new campus for Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA) in Buzuruga area, Nyamagana District, Mwanza Region over the weekend. Looking from Right is IAA rector Prof Johannes Monyo and from Left is IAA Governing Board Rukia Adamu.
Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA) rector, Prof Johannes Monyo speaks with reporters shortly after the institute launches their new campus in Mwanza.
A traditional dancer...
Habari Zinazoendana
10 years ago
The Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA) launches new campus in Mwanza City
10 years ago
IPPmedia14 Nov
IAA launches new campus in Babati
Manyara Regional Commissioner Erasto Mbilo (L) officially launches the new campus for Institute of Accountancy Arusha in Babati in manyara Region on Wednesday. The Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA) on Wednesday launched a new campus in ...
10 years ago
10 years ago
IPPmedia01 Dec
Mwanza business college campus to receive infrastructure funding
The government plans to solicit funds to improve infrastructures of the Mwanza campus of the College of Business Education. Speaking over the weekend, deputy minister for Trade and Industries, Janet Mbene said the government will purchase state of the ...
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Curious on Tanzania Launches Tanzania Culture Fest in New York City On September 5, 2015 experience Tanzania in New York City with a cultural evening of food and live entertainment that will inspire and fulfill your curiosities about Tanzania.
Curious on Tanzania Launches Tanzania Culture Fest in New York City On September 5, 2015 experience Tanzania in New York City with a cultural evening of food and live entertainment that will inspire and fulfill your curiosities about Tanzania.
The idea behind the Fest is to celebrate Tanzanian culture with Tanzanians, taste makers, previous/ future travelers and others who are curious to know more or experience our culture and more. Some of the highlight of the event will be Tanzanian...
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Mwanza risks City status stance
East African Business Week
East African Business Week
MWANZA, Tanzania - Mwanza City, one of the fast growing cities in East Africa is risking losing its city status following reports that city officials have embezzled close to Tsh46 billion ($26.96m). As a result, the parliamentary Committee for Local Governments ...
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Mwanza in chaos as floods ruin city
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Burst pipe dries up Mwanza City
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VijimamboCurious on Tanzania Launches Tanzania Culture Fest in New York City iliyofanyika September 5, 2015 yafanikiwa vizuri