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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Implementation of National Rights Plan Needs Sh340 Billion

Implementation of National Rights Plan Needs Sh340 Billion
TANZANIA requires 338bn/- to implement the five year National Human Rights Action Plan (NHRAP) that was launched last year by Vice-President, Dr Mohamed Gharib Bilal and slated to run until 2017. This was revealed in Dar es Salaam recently by Dr ...

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Implementation of national rights plan needs 340bn/

Implementation of national rights plan needs 340bn/-
Daily News
TANZANIA requires 338bn/- to implement the five year National Human Rights Action Plan (NHRAP) that was launched last year by Vice-President, Dr Mohamed Gharib Bilal and slated to run until 2017. This was revealed in Dar es Salaam recently by Dr ...


11 years ago


Kenyan national in court over 6.8 billion/

Kenyan national in court over 6.8 billion/- TCRA loss
Kenyan national Nelson Onyango (43) yesterday appeared at the Kisutu Resident Magistrate Court in Dar es Salaam charged with seven counts including fraudulent use of communication network, causing a loss of more than 6.8bn/- to Tanzania ...


11 years ago


DHL invests over Sh4 billion in two-year expansion plan

A global logistics firm, DHL Express, has invested at least 1.8 million Euros (about Sh3.9 billion) in Tanzania during the past two years as the firm expands its business in the country.


11 years ago

Daily News

TFF, Plan International to promote girls' rights

TFF, Plan International to promote girls' rights
Daily News
AN international child rights organization-Plan International has partnered with the Tanzania Football Federation (TFF) for advocating and promoting girls' rights in the country. Speaking before signing an agreement with TFF president at the federations' ...


9 years ago


Master plan task for Mwanza, Arusha set to cost Sh16 billion

Mwanza and Arusha are set for major transformation, thanks to new master plans that will ensure sustainable growth and development.


11 years ago

Daily News

Men's rights, national ideology surface at Committee No. 9

Daily News
Men's rights, national ideology surface at Committee No. 9
Daily News
MEMBERS of Committee Number 9 of the Constituent Assembly (CA) have proposed that 'Men's Rights' should be included in the new constitutions to protect those who get battered by their spouses as is the case with women. Briefing journalists at the ...


9 years ago


Activists want basic rights, freedoms incorporated into set national laws

Activists want basic rights, freedoms incorporated into set national laws
The government has been challenged to incorporate regional and international instruments on freedom of expression and freedom of media into local laws and regulations. The call comes in the wake of the African Media Barometer report released this week ...


5 years ago

The DC Line

Press Release: Norton Asks for National Park Service's Plan to Protect Workers At Outdoor Properties During Coronavirus Crisis

Press Release: Norton Asks for National Park Service's Plan to Protect Workers At Outdoor Properties During Coronavirus Crisis  The DC LineHVNP Set to Close to Park Visitors  Big Island NowCoronavirus is closing national parks —but you can still visit them on a virtual tour  CBS NewsThis Virtual Tour of the Carlsbad Caverns Will Entertain You (and Your Kids) for Hours  Travel+LeisureHawaii Volcanoes National Park To Close Due To Pandemic  Big Island Video NewsView Full coverage on Google...


11 years ago


Serikali yakosa Sh340 bil uchimbaji urani

>Tanzania imeanza vibaya usimamizi wa uwekezaji wa madini ya urani, baada ya kushindwa kesi mahakamani hivyo kukosa karibu Sh340 bilioni.



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