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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


INSIGHT: Ifakara scientists now move closer to Malaria eradication

>Current approaches to tackle mosquitoes that spread malaria such as long lasting insecticide treated bed nets (LLINs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS) have contributed greatly to the recent success in malaria control.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Malaria Course Ifakara 2014 (English) Capacity Building Course in Malaria Control Programs, with a focus on e-learning September 14th to October 11th 2014

Organised jointly by the Tanzanian Training Centre for International Health, Ifakara, Tanzania, and the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute with the financial support of the Impact malaria, a Sanofi Access to Medicines program and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, the Malaria course is a tutorial that is aimed at strengthening competence of researchers, public health personnel and care givers to fight Malaria in Africa. Participants are taught how to conduct...


10 years ago


Malaria vaccine one step closer

The world's first malaria vaccine has cleared one of the final regulatory hurdles prior to being used to immunise children in sub-Saharan Africa.


9 years ago


Campaigns move into daladalas as polls draw closer

With each of the eight presidential aspirants striving to explore every opportunity at their disposal to win the biggest chunk of the 24 million votes from registered Tanzanians, commuter buses, popularly known as daladalas, have now become hot campaign zones for political strategists and suporters of the various parties.


9 years ago


INSIGHT: Scientists: Climate factor linked to carbon uptake

In a surprising new study, scientists say they’ve pinned down the climate factor most strongly tied to variations in terrestrial carbon storage — that is, the ability of plants and other features of the earth’s surface to take up carbon, thus preventing it from going into the atmosphere.


10 years ago


INSIGHT: Why we need joint efforts to fight against malaria

>There is a need to reach out to other sectors beyond health if the fight to eliminate malaria is to succeed. Sectors such as agriculture, urban planning, education, community development, women’s affairs and gender equality, water and sanitation, construction, mining and forestry, either contribute to malaria transmission or are affected by it.


11 years ago


Scientists caution on malaria diagnosis

With most people believeing that the first malaria symptom is fever, researchers in the country have warned that most of the acute fevers are due to other infectious diseases — some of which are life-threatening and can not be treated with anti-malarial drugs.


11 years ago

Dewji Blog

Rais Kikwete akutana na Wataalamu watatu wa utafiti wa chanjo ya Malaria kutoka Ifakara Health Institute mjini Malabo, Equatorial Guinea


Rais Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete akisalimiana na Dr. Ally Olot, mtafiti wa chanjo ya malaria na kiongozi wa watafiti wa Ifakara Health Institute (IHI) Malabo, Equatorial Guinea) walipomtembelea kwenye makazi yake mjini Malabo ambako Rais alikuwa anahudhuria mkutano wa kawaida wa Umoja wa Afrika. Wengine ni Dr. Mwajuma Chemba ambaye ni Mtalaamu mratibu wa tafiti za chanjo ya malaria, na Elizabeth Nyakarungu, Mtaalamu wa maabara, utambuzi wadudu wa Malaria).



Rais Kikwete aliwapongeza sana...


5 years ago

The Independent

Coronavirus lockdowns worldwide make Earth's crust move less, scientists find

Coronavirus lockdowns worldwide make Earth's crust move less, scientists find  The IndependentThe coronavirus pandemic made the entire Earth quieter  BGRThe Pandemic Is Turning the Natural World Upside Down  The AtlanticOn a positive note, Covid-19 lockdowns are affecting global seismic activity  TechSpotCoronavirus - Earth is shaking less now  Somag NewsView Full coverage on Google News


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Novartis Supports Pan-African Meeting to Move Faster to Malaria Elimination


Dr. Linus Igwemezie, Head of the Novartis Malaria Initiative.


 *Malaria experts and leaders from over 35 African countries gather to explore innovative strategies to move from malaria control to elimination

*Meeting convened by Novartis fosters best practice sharing and helps catalyze action to achieve new WHO objective of 90% reduction in malaria burden by 2030

*Growing threats including inadequate funding, first signs of drug resistance, and the advance of diseases such as Ebola, could...



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