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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


INSIGHT: Study: Vision loss improves hearing sense

>Try closing your eyes for a minute. Without the luxury of vision, your sense of hearing seems to kick into overdrive, with every rustle and stir sounding louder and clearer. Sit in darkness long enough and your brain may end up rewiring itself to turn you into a super-listener.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Dewji Blog

New Study Finds that Orange Maize Improves Vitamin A in Children


Vitamin A deficiency is widely prevalent in Sub-Saharan Africa

Just ahead of World Food Day, a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition ( has established that ‘orange’ vitamin A maize increases vitamin A storage in the body. This maize has been conventionally bred (non-GMO) to have higher levels of beta-carotene, a naturally occurring plant pigment that the body then converts into vitamin A.

Lack of sufficient vitamin A blinds up to 500,000...


10 years ago


HEALTH: Noise making vs hearing loss in TZ

A lot has been written and said about noise pollution, particularly in urban areas. In Tanzania, after a long silence on the social and health hazards due to the problem, tough legislation have been passed in a bid to punish noise makers.


10 years ago


Millions of youth face hearing loss

>You probably hear it in your neighbourhood -- that loud recreational sound from a local club.


5 years ago

The Irish News

Teacher tells of shock at waking up to find he had suffered hearing loss overnight

Teacher tells of shock at waking up to find he had suffered hearing loss overnight  The Irish News


11 years ago


INSIGHT: Technology helps keep couples together: Study

>Technology helps bring married couples closer together even though the use of electronic devices can be a source of tension, a US survey shows.


5 years ago

Deccan Herald

Global warming to cause 'catastrophic' species loss: study

Global warming to cause 'catastrophic' species loss: study  Deccan HeraldView Full coverage on Google News


11 years ago


INSIGHT: Shorter men likely to live longer: Study

>Here’s some good news for gents who may have been robbed of a few inches in height: A new study shows that shorter men may live longer. In fact, according to data culled from researchers out of the University of Hawaii, the taller the men, the shorter they lived.


5 years ago


Coronavirus study finds 'surprising' link between infection and loss of smell

Coronavirus study finds 'surprising' link between infection and loss of smell  CNETCells’ Response to SARS-CoV-2 Different from Flu, RSV  The ScientistShould pets be tested for coronavirus?  Science MagazineFive things we still don't know about the coronavirus  Times of IndiaWhat is coronavirus and Covid-19? An explainer  CNNView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago

Daily Sabah

Global warming to cause 'catastrophic' species loss around world, study finds

Global warming to cause 'catastrophic' species loss around world, study finds  Daily SabahView Full coverage on Google News



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