SWAHILI culture is one that is unique. It is the product of the influence of the Middle East, India and Persia on the coastal region . The coast of East Africa had a long history of trade that involved exchange of ideas and commodities. Also mixed marriages between of African women and Middle Eastern men created and cemented a rich Swahili culture.
Thus the diversity of Swahili culture was a result of the interaction of the coastal people with foreigners in ancient times around the small...
Habari Zinazoendana
9 years ago
Dewji Blog12 Nov
10 years ago
TheCitizen31 Mar
Swahili for preserving our culture
9 years ago
Curious on Tanzania Launches Tanzania Culture Fest in New York City On September 5, 2015 experience Tanzania in New York City with a cultural evening of food and live entertainment that will inspire and fulfill your curiosities about Tanzania.
Curious on Tanzania Launches Tanzania Culture Fest in New York City On September 5, 2015 experience Tanzania in New York City with a cultural evening of food and live entertainment that will inspire and fulfill your curiosities about Tanzania.
The idea behind the Fest is to celebrate Tanzanian culture with Tanzanians, taste makers, previous/ future travelers and others who are curious to know more or experience our culture and more. Some of the highlight of the event will be Tanzanian...
9 years ago
VijimamboCurious on Tanzania Launches Tanzania Culture Fest in New York City iliyofanyika September 5, 2015 yafanikiwa vizuri
9 years ago
AllAfrica.Com02 Dec
Tanzania: The Culture Beat - How Parents Can Raise Successful Children
I was born twenty three years ago to parents who specialised in the fields of engineering and statistics; my mother the statistician, my father the engineer. I started to read from an early age, my mother taught me how to read and write from home. This ...
9 years ago
AllAfrica.Com05 Jan
Tanzania: Culture Beat - We Shouldn't Condone Any Form of Violence
What would you do if you ever witnessed domestic violence? You could be at a mall shopping when you see a man abusing a woman or a woman abusing a man. Social research has shown that people are more prone to doing something about a man hitting ...
9 years ago
New York, New York- The first annual Curious on Tanzania Culture Fest, which will celebrate the country’s many untold wonders, will take place on Saturday, September 5th, 2015 from 5 PM to 9 PM at Punto Space, 325 West 38th Street, New York City.
Curious on Tanzania performance at NY Travel Fest 2014Curious on Tanzania performance at NY Travel Fest 2014The first event of its kind, the Curious on Tanzania Culture Fest aims to bring the Tanzanian experience to travel enthusiasts, tastemakers,...
10 years ago
Dewji Blog26 Feb
Very Interesting and Informative Things
1. If you are right handed, you will tend to chew your food on your right side. If you are left handed, you will tend to chew your food on your left side
2. If you stop getting thirsty, you need to drink more water. For when a human body is dehydrated, its thirst mechanism shuts off.
3. Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.
4. Your tongue is germ free only if it is pink. If it is white there is a thin film of bacteria on it.
5. The Mercedes-Benz motto is ‘Das Beste...
10 years ago
Ventures Africa24 Feb
Tanzania Plans to Ditch English for Swahili
Ventures Africa
Ventures Africa
VENTURES AFRICA – The Tanzania Ministry of Education and Vocational Training has opted against the use of English as the medium of instruction in a bid to revolutionize the country's primary and secondary education. The brazen new policy seeks to ...
Tanzanian Schools Will Teach Students in Swahili, Not EnglishGlobal Voices Online
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