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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Is life better with children? Study says, not always

Are people with children happier than people without? In the United States, those with and without children rate their lives about the same, but globally children tend to diminish well-being, said a study on Monday.


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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago


How Did Life Begin? New Study Reveals Life in the Universe Could Be Common

How Did Life Begin? New Study Reveals Life in the Universe Could Be Common  SciTechDaily


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

New Study Finds that Orange Maize Improves Vitamin A in Children


Vitamin A deficiency is widely prevalent in Sub-Saharan Africa

Just ahead of World Food Day, a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition ( has established that ‘orange’ vitamin A maize increases vitamin A storage in the body. This maize has been conventionally bred (non-GMO) to have higher levels of beta-carotene, a naturally occurring plant pigment that the body then converts into vitamin A.

Lack of sufficient vitamin A blinds up to 500,000...


5 years ago

Times Of India

COVID-19: Children report fewer symptoms of fever, cough, finds study

COVID-19: Children report fewer symptoms of fever, cough, finds study  Times of India‘Do not take the virus to the villages’, warns Tanzania’s health Minister  The Citizen DailyNot all coronavirus corpses are infectious, says WHO  TheCableCoronavirus Is Causing a Reshuffling of Pediatric Care  U.S. News & World ReportWHO advises Africa to use Ebola response in tackling COVID-19  The Nation Newspaper View Full coverage on Google...


5 years ago


Study reveals underlying mechanism for life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias - News

Study reveals underlying mechanism for life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias


5 years ago

International Business Times, Singapore Edition

Alien life confirmed on Mars? New Japanese study suggests possibility of microbes on Red Planet

Alien life confirmed on Mars? New Japanese study suggests possibility of microbes on Red Planet  International Business Times, Singapore Edition


5 years ago

The Guardian

How to have a sex life when you have five children: first, lock the bedroom door

How to have a sex life when you have five children: first, lock the bedroom door  The Guardian


10 years ago


SIEGFRIED: Migrant detention abuse can scar children for life

>An increasing number of migrant children are being detained in countries where they are seeking asylum despite a growing body of scientific evidence that such incarceration leads to long-term psychological and developmental difficulties.


11 years ago

Dewji Blog

Celebrating World Breastfeeding Week: Giving children the best start in life with mama’s milk



World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated every year from August 1-7 to highlight the vital role breastfeeding plays.  Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life is one of the simplest, smartest and most cost-effective ways to support children to grow healthy and strong.

This year’s theme is, ‘Breastfeeding: a winning goal for life!’ which underscores the critical link between breastfeeding and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

This linkage is...


10 years ago


Why three Tanzanian children sparkled in World Bank children's art drawing ...

Why three Tanzanian children sparkled in World Bank children's art drawing ...
Three out of 150 children entries won the World Bank (WB) Tanzania four week children's art drawing contest that took place between March and April 2014. In this brain cracking art exercise Chanda Lwansa (13) a form one student at Feza Girls Secondary ...



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