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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Isles government urged to fight child rape cases

Isles government urged to fight child rape cases
Daily News
CHILD rape increase in Unguja has raised alarm, calling for the government's intervention to contain the vice. Unguja Kaskazini Regional Administrative Secretary (RAS), Mr Omary Masoud, said on Friday when presenting the regional development report ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


10 child rape cases reported every month in Isles

10 child rape cases reported every month in Isles - Tamwa
An average of ten child rape cases are reported every month in Zanzibar, Tanzania Media Women Association (TAMWA) has reported only weeks after another report said more boys than girls suffer the abuse in the Isles. The report was made public at a ...


5 years ago


Weinstein conviction: a watershed for acquaintance rape cases

Weinstein conviction: a watershed for acquaintance rape cases  RFIView Full coverage on Google News


10 years ago


Tanzania: Resolute Action Needed to Combat Soaring Rape Cases

Tanzania: Resolute Action Needed to Combat Soaring Rape Cases
"THIS is cruelty of the highest degree. You cannot believe it," remarked a court official, who pleaded anonymity. Such a statement attracted the attention of many people in the court. Upon inquiry, it was known later that an old man was found guilty of raping a ...


10 years ago


UN investigates CAR 'child rape'

The UN launches an investigation into allegations its soldiers raped a 12-year-old girl and killed two civilians in the Central African Republic.


9 years ago


Zitto suggests transitional government for Isles

Zitto suggests transitional government for Isles
Alliance for Change and Transparency (ACT-Wazalendo) leader Zitto Kabwe (R) addresses journalists in Dar es Salaam yesterday. ACT-Wazalendo party leader, Zitto Kabwe wants President John Magufuli to facilitate immediate resumption of vote-counting ...


10 years ago


Cases of child abuse increase in Rombo.

Cases of child abuse increase in Rombo.
There is rapid increase of cases of gender-based violence including rape and sodomy due to non-implementation of children's rights in Rombo District, a justice organisation said. Eusebius Kavishe, the organisation's Chairperson for Rombo Paralegals ...


10 years ago

Daily News

TASAF lays strategies to fight poverty in the Isles

TASAF lays strategies to fight poverty in the Isles
Daily News
SOME families in Zanzibar are gradually getting out of poverty, thanks to programmes initiated by the Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF) in the Isles. Some villagers in Mzuri-Makunduchi Village and South Unguja revealed the good news to the TASAF and ...


10 years ago


Saada Mkuya, Hussein Mwinyi Fight for Nomination in Isles

Saada Mkuya, Hussein Mwinyi Fight for Nomination in Isles
Zanzibar — The Minister for Finance, Ms Saada Salum Mkuya and the Minister for Defence and National Service, Dr Hussein Mwinyi, are among several Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) candidates fighting tirelessly to be nominated as flag bearers on the ...


9 years ago


Government urged to use internal resources

Climate change experts yesterday called on the government to bank on internal resources in addressing the adverse impact of climate change.



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