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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


TASAF lays strategies to fight poverty in the Isles

TASAF lays strategies to fight poverty in the Isles
Daily News
SOME families in Zanzibar are gradually getting out of poverty, thanks to programmes initiated by the Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF) in the Isles. Some villagers in Mzuri-Makunduchi Village and South Unguja revealed the good news to the TASAF and ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Daily News

TASAF launches projects to fight poverty in Kibaha

TASAF launches projects to fight poverty in Kibaha
Daily News
TANZANIA Social Action Fund (TASAF) has introduced two income-generating projects in Kibaha District through savings and investments to cover all villages, it has been revealed. The project's coordinator, Mr Godson Harry, said here that already three ...


9 years ago


Misconception Frustrates Tasaf Poverty Reduction Efforts

Misconception Frustrates Tasaf Poverty Reduction Efforts
GOVERNMENT efforts to reduce poverty among vulnerable population through Tanzania Social Action Fund (Tasaf) is being frustrated by some individuals who decline aid advanced to them for unfounded reasons. Some 100 poor households in Same district ...


10 years ago

Daily News

TASAF programme in Isles impresses donors

TASAF programme in Isles impresses donors
Daily News
ZANZIBAR has been recording an increase of mothers and children attending hospitals, an admirable achievement in the implementation of the third phase of Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF III) projects in Zanzibar. On a mission to evaluate the impact of ...


10 years ago


UN in deal to fight global poverty

A United Nations summit of rich and poor countries agrees to overhaul global finance for international development and unlock money to end extreme poverty.


10 years ago


Students vow to fight poverty

Youth from higher learning institutions have launched a movement aimed at motivating positive change in rural areas where majority of Tanzanians reside.


9 years ago

News Shopper

Can you help? Welling graduate needs funding to fight poverty in Zanzibar

News Shopper
Can you help? Welling graduate needs funding to fight poverty in Zanzibar
News Shopper
A Welling graduate will spend Christmas volunteering in Africa, as she joins the fight against poverty in Zanzibar. 22-year-old Tania Morton will fly to the Tanzanian city in December, and work there for three months. The development programme aims to ...


10 years ago


BoT: Expand financial services to fight poverty

>Tanzania’s living in rural areas lack access to financial services for both agricultural and non-agricultural activities, a situation that depresses the rate of growth in the areas where over 75 per cent of the population lives.


10 years ago

Daily News

Isles government urged to fight child rape cases

Isles government urged to fight child rape cases
Daily News
CHILD rape increase in Unguja has raised alarm, calling for the government's intervention to contain the vice. Unguja Kaskazini Regional Administrative Secretary (RAS), Mr Omary Masoud, said on Friday when presenting the regional development report ...


10 years ago


Saada Mkuya, Hussein Mwinyi Fight for Nomination in Isles

Saada Mkuya, Hussein Mwinyi Fight for Nomination in Isles
Zanzibar — The Minister for Finance, Ms Saada Salum Mkuya and the Minister for Defence and National Service, Dr Hussein Mwinyi, are among several Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) candidates fighting tirelessly to be nominated as flag bearers on the ...



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