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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


KATIBA: Where Tanzania went wrong on Constitution

>Tanzanian politicians should stop thinking of their interests only if the country has to get a good  constitution, two East African experts said.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Sabahi Online

Tanzania Constitution Forum seeks draft constitution distributed before referendum

Tanzania Constitution Forum seeks draft constitution distributed before referendum
Sabahi Online
The Tanzania Constitution Forum (TCF) has called on the government to distribute copies of the draft constitution before it goes to a vote in the March referendum, Tanzania's Daily News reported Tuesday (December 30th).
Call for mass dtribution of recommended Katiba copiesDaily News
TCF Deputy Chairman, Hebron MwakagendaIPPmedia

all 3


10 years ago


We went wrong on Katiba writing right from day one

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11 years ago


JK is wrong in seeking God’s help to rescue Katiba process

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11 years ago


Debating Draft Katiba alone wrong, CCM told

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11 years ago


Slot Right to Health into Katiba the new Constitution

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11 years ago


OPANGA: There’s right and wrong. Israel is wrong

>You are either with the Palestinians or with Israel. I am with the Palestinians. Look, Israel has elastic borders, which it extends outwards at the slightest pretext and totally and utterly in disregard of international opinion or law. It occupies the land of the Palestinians, builds settlements on it and imposes a land, air and sea blockade against Gaza.


9 years ago


Tanzania: Muhongo Detractors Should Prove Him Wrong

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9 years ago


Tanzania: Time Investors Proved Muhongo Wrong

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