
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Kawambwa: New fee structure not ready

Kawambwa: New fee structure not ready
Experts' committee formed to evaluate fee structure in private schools is yet to release its report, implying parents and guardians will continue paying the old fees which they have complained much about it. On Friday, speaking in a telephone interview with ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Karume cautions on Union structure

>Ambassador Ali Abeid Karume  has said the three-government system proposed by the Constitutional Review Commission (CRC) if passed by the Constituent Assembly (CA) and accepted by the public would break the Union, citing  Isle’s poor economic strength.


11 years ago


Shibuda: 3-govt structure not a cure

Constituent Assembly (CA) member John Shibuda has said a three-government Union structure cannot be the only solution to the problems bedeviling Tanzania, particularly, if the current leaders were to remain in power.


9 years ago


Fee protests close SA universities

Protests over proposed increases in tuition fees force the suspension of teaching at three of South Africa's top universities.


9 years ago


Call to keep BRT structure clean

The Dar es Salaam Rapid Transit (Dart) Agency yesterday banned the pasting up of election posters and notices on its infrastructure, saying those violating the order would face legal action.


10 years ago


Tanzania tourists to get hit with new fee

Tanzania tourists to get hit with new fee
Incredible news is coming in from Tanzania that the government there, cash strapped ahead of the upcoming general elections, is seeking to fill its coffers from the pockets of tourists who have bought wood carvings while on safari or a beach vacation in the ...


11 years ago

Daily News

CA committee wants union structure maintained

Daily News
CA committee wants union structure maintained
Daily News
CHAPTER Six of the second draft of the Constitution has turned out to be a matter of hot debate with Constituent Assembly (CA) members demanding that the structure of the union be maintained and Zanzibar be given mandate to seek foreign aid. Briefing ...
CA committees: Getting two thirds of votes toughIPPmedia

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9 years ago


SA students arrested in fee protests

More than 20 students are arrested at a top South African university as protests over tuition fees spread, the public broadcaster reports.


11 years ago

Daily News

Tuition fee framework set up

Tuition fee framework set up
Daily News
THE Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) has launched a Students Unit Cost Framework, aimed at setting national guidelines for determination of programme costs and setting of tuition fees for higher education in the country. The framework implies ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Tourism stakeholders concerned over new fee

Tourism stakeholders concerned over new fee
Daily News
TANZANIA tourism industry may be hit hard by the new concession fees that take effect from July, where visitors staying at some establishments in any of the 15 National Parks across the country, will have to part with between 30 US dollars and 100 US ...
New firestorm among Tanzanian Tourism CircleseTurboNews

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