KAYOKA: When fear to think is positive
>The late Peter Kirumbi, one of the prominent Kiswahili literary critics in the seventies and eighties said that for a critically thinking person, it is even possible to deduce some sense from the errant speech of the demented individual. Adolf Hitler was, according to some narratives, a person full of himself and, a madman, too, when he dreamed of cleansing his kind of bad elements that threatened to annihilate his Aryan race.
Habari Zinazoendana
10 years ago
TheCitizen20 Aug
KAYOKA: The endangered Lake Victoria
>It always astounds me when I hear politicians using the same worn-out tactics to address an almost perennial situation. I am talking of the problem of over-fishing, use of dynamites, poison and nets with very small ‘eyes’.
11 years ago
BBC11 years ago
TheCitizen28 Jan
How can help my friend who is HIV positive
It is sometimes very unfortunate that we have to come to terms with the cruel truth about HIV, but that is the reality.
9 years ago
Lauren Keller29 Aug
Positive People in Pinecrest
Miami's Community Newspapers
Positive People in Pinecrest- Lauren Keller
Miami's Community Newspapers
Lauren Keller, a junior at Palmer Trinity, cares about children. A couple of years ago, she conducted a shoe drive for children in Tanzania. Keller became interested in helping the children in Tanzania because her cousin volunteered at a school there.
11 years ago
TheCitizen26 Jun
This fear of the unknown may not always be helpful
When the East African Customs Union (EAC-CU) came into force in 2005, most Tanzanians were concerned that local industries were not at par with those of Kenya and could not compete effectively.
11 years ago
BBC11 years ago
TheCitizen17 Feb
New fear as mosquitoes become ‘smarter’
>Malaria prevalence could be on the rise again as mosquitoes learn new survival tricks such as changing meal times and biting outdoors.
10 years ago
TheCitizen11 Nov
How do i help my child get over his fear of maths?
People used to think that only some children have the ability to be good at math. Despite the fact that theory’s been knocked down by research, many teachers still believe it – and it filters through to pupils. No wonder many kids both fear math and don’t want to engage in the subject. But there are ways to change this.
10 years ago
TheCitizen11 Sep
Positive HIV culture vital
Cruel as it may seem, granting the wish of a stubborn child who insists on being given a razorblade to play with, might be the best way of informing him, after he gets cut, that the thing is not a toy.
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Tanzania Today
Today Breaking News,Tanzania World News
13-February-2025 in Tanzania