
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Kinana explains why development projects fail

Daily News
Kinana explains why development projects fail
Daily News
DEVELOPMENTS of various projects fail to take off due to delay in the provision of financial budget from the government meant to facilitate the implementation. Speaking during the tour by Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Secretary General Mr Abdulrahman ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


LAKE ZONE: Reason why development projects stagnate, fail

>Delay by the central government to release funds to Muleba District is blamed for stagnation of development projects in the district, an official has said.


9 years ago


Study explains why TZ small businesses fail

Most of the micro enterprises in the country collapse before they start making profits due to lack of financial support.


10 years ago

Daily News

Isles fail to execute development plans

Isles fail to execute development plans
Daily News
ZANZIBAR failed to meet its development plans in 2014/2015 budget because donors delayed funds as earlier promised, Isles' Minister for Finance, Mr Omar Yussuf Mzee, said on Friday. Addressing a press conference here on Thursday, Mr Mzee disclosed ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Kagera RC calls for public support in development projects

Daily News
Kagera RC calls for public support in development projects
Daily News
THE Kagera Regional Commissioner (RC), Fabian Massawe, has stressed the need for the public to contribute moral and material support in development projects, instead of waiting for assistance from outsiders. Speaking at Buganguzi Ward during a ...


11 years ago


`Development projects cash flows back to Treasury`

`Development projects cash flows back to Treasury`
A total of Sh188bn equivalent to 55 percent of money provided by the central government in 2011/12 fiscal year for different development projects was returned to the Treasury for failing to be used as intended. The statistical information was disclosed by the ...


10 years ago


Govt admits it’s broke as development projects stall

>The government has admitted that it has been operating on a shoestring budget for the past six months.


10 years ago

Daily News

Low revenue collection impedes development projects

Low revenue collection impedes development projects
Daily News
LOW collection of revenue has been cited as among reasons behind affecting disbursement of funds for implementation of different government activities, including development projects. Deputy Minister of Finance Mwigulu Nchemba told the National ...


10 years ago


Finance EA development projects, private sector told

>The private sector should now contemplate financing development projects in the East African Community (EAC) bloc as a measure to cut down donor dependency.


10 years ago

Daily News

Katavi RC breathes fire over substandard development projects

Katavi RC breathes fire over substandard development projects
Daily News
THE Katavi Region Commissioner (RC), Dr Ibrahim Msengi, has ordered Mpanda District Council leadership to refrain from inviting leaders to visit and inspect development projects that are poorly constructed. He asserted that he would never ever launch any ...



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