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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


LAZUTA: Can WHO learn any lessons from Ebola epidemic?

>An independent panel described the response of the World Health Organization (WHO) to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa as “delayed” and “inadequate,” so what systemic changes need to be made to ensure future crises are handled better?


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Lessons to learn from Ikwiriri police killings

Lessons to learn from Ikwiriri police killings
At down on Wednesday last week, armed bandits killed two police officers and stole seven firearms and 60 rounds of ammunition after raiding a police station at Ikwiriri, Rufiji District, Coast Region. This is a matter of security. Our columnist GERALD KITABU ...


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The Africa Report

Coronavirus: “It would be suicidal for Africa not to learn the lessons from Europe.”

Coronavirus: “It would be suicidal for Africa not to learn the lessons from Europe.”  The Africa Report


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World failed to learn SARS lessons for coronavirus fight

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W. African Ebola epidemic ‘likely to last months’: UN

>The United Nations health agency said on Thursday it expected the worst Ebola outbreak in history to continue its deadly rampage through West Africa for at least “several months”.


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Ebola crisis: Five ways to break the epidemic

Five ways to break the deadly epidemic


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Ebola epidemic stirs panic at global level

>Many African countries were last week rapidly descending into panic as they contemplated the perils posed by the rapidly spreading Ebola fever.


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Voice Of America

WHO Warns It is Running Out of Money to Tackle Ebola Epidemic in DRC

WHO Warns It is Running Out of Money to Tackle Ebola Epidemic in DRC  Voice of America


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Daily Post Nigeria

COVID-19: Take lessons from Ebola readiness – WHO tells Africa

COVID-19: Take lessons from Ebola readiness – WHO tells Africa  Daily Post Nigeria


10 years ago


Are we prepared for the next global epidemic?

Too often, the conventional wisdom in diplomatic or scientific circles is that the general public doesn’t know what’s good for them when it comes to foreign policy or tackling global threats. It’s too complicated, the experts say; the public wouldn’t understand. Yet new polling suggests that many in the public understand very well how global infectious disease outbreaks pose a serious threat to their lives and economic security – and they know what should...



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