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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Lecturer says Tanzania’s legal protection of environment high

Tanzania has been cited as one of the countries with the highest levels of legal protection of the environment, according to an environmental law lecturer.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Train more women in environment protection

I visited a village on the slopes of central Kenya and left thinking much about the role of women in environmental management.


11 years ago


INSIGHT: ‘People with albinism need legal protection’

>Two weeks ago, Tanzania marked the 9th anniversary of Albinism Week. In light of this event, The Citizen Reporter Sammy Awami had an interview with director of Under The Same Sun Vicky Ntetema. Excerpts…


10 years ago

Daily News

Legal costs remain high despite lawyers' increase

Legal costs remain high despite lawyers' increase
Daily News
THE number of practicing lawyers in Tanzania is increasing tremendously with each passing year, but the cost of obtaining their services continues to escalate. Speaking here during the Tanganyika Law Society Annual Conference, the immediate past TLS ...


10 years ago


HOMES & PROPERTY: Crucial legal issues in legal estate law

>Real estate contracts are binding legal documents. They form the bases of the sale and buying of a property. The wishes or rather the agreements, terms and conditions of the buyer and a seller in the purchase are reflected in a contract.


11 years ago


Saut pays last respects to fallen lecturer

Tens of hundreds of students, lecturers, friends and other people yesterday paid their last respects to veteran journalist Nkwabi Ng’wanakilala who died last Friday at Bugando Medical Centre after a short illness.


11 years ago


UN urges protection for Albinos after Tanzania killing

BBC News
UN urges protection for Albinos after Tanzania killing
New York, May 16 (IBNS): The barbaric murder of a woman with albinism in Tanzania has prompted the United Nations human rights chief to call for greater protection for this "exceptionally vulnerable" community. According to police reports, 40-year-old ...
UN human rights chief urges greater protection for people with albinismShanghai Daily (subscription)
Tanzanian police arrest 'witch doctors' over killing of...


11 years ago

Scoop.Co.Nz (Press Release)

UN Calls for Greater Protection for Albinos in Tanzania

BBC News
UN Calls for Greater Protection for Albinos in Tanzania (press release)
15 May 2014 – The barbaric murder of a woman with albinism in Tanzania has prompted the United Nations human rights chief to call for greater protection for this “exceptionally vulnerable” community. According to police reports, 40-year-old Munghu Lugata ...
UN human rights chief urges greater protection for people with albinismShanghai Daily (subscription)
Tanzanian police arrest 'witch doctors'...


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Tanzania to host International Conference on Social Protection


The Permanent Secretary for Treasury from the Ministry of Finance, Dr. Servacius Likwelile addressing the media during a press conference on the upcoming International Conference on Social Protection.

-Setting up a national system for assisting the poor and vulnerable

-15-17 December 2014, Arusha, Tanzania          

The Government of Tanzania through the Ministry of Finance, in collaboration with UNICEF, ILO, UNAIDS and the Economic Policy Research Institute (EPRI) based in South Africa, is...


10 years ago


More protection needed for Tanzania albinos: UN rights office

More protection needed for Tanzania albinos: UN rights office
[JURIST] The UN human rights office [official website] on Monday said that the Tanzanian government's system of placing children with albinism in government care centers does not provide this vulnerable group with adequate protection from those who target ...
UN expert condemns 'appalling' abuse of Tanzania albinosYahoo News
Ritual Killings of People With Albinism Increase in TanzaniaVoice of America
UN: Children with...



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