
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Local Govt Workers Bitter About Unpaid Debt

Local Govt Workers Bitter About Unpaid Debt
Dodoma — TANZANIA Local Government Workers Union (TALGWU) has threatened that they will not participate in the 2015 general elections if the government will not pay them a debt of 17bn/-. The remarks were made by TALGWU Deputy Secretary ...

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Govt under pressure to clear MSD debt

>The Tanzania Gender Networking Programme (TGNP) has asked the government to allocate a sufficient budget to the health sector to avoid a recurrence of the current shortage of medical supplies in public health facilities.


11 years ago

Daily News

Treat domestic workers fairly, Kabaka urges local employees

Daily News
Treat domestic workers fairly, Kabaka urges local employees
Daily News
TANZANIANS have been urged to treat domestic workers with dignity, just like other employees, since all workers are equal in the eyes of the law. The Minister for Labour and Employment (MOLE), Ms Gaudensia Kabaka, said that during the launch of a ...


5 years ago

New Day Live

Credit Settlement Market with Eminent Key Players and Future Outlook to 2026 | Guardian Debt Relief (USA), Freedom Debt Relief (USA), Debt Negotiation Services (USA)

Credit Settlement Market with Eminent Key Players and Future Outlook to 2026 | Guardian Debt Relief (USA), Freedom Debt Relief (USA), Debt Negotiation Services (USA)  New Day Live


10 years ago


Govt’s new strategy on health workers

>The government is working to redraft its policy to allow the direct employment of health workers to curb the existing staff shortage unlike the current situation where they have to apply for the vacancies.


11 years ago

Operate With Paralegals

Local govt leaders urged to co

Local govt leaders urged to co-operate with paralegals
Local government leaders in Rombo District, Kilimanjaro Region have been urged to closely cooperate with paralegals working in their areas to solve disputes related to matrimony, land, gender based violence (GBV). The call was made recently by ...


9 years ago


Local govt seizes 8 farms

Mvomero district council has nationalized a total of eight undeveloped farms from five villages, according to the District land officer Ms Illuminata Nahumi.


10 years ago


Govt to help local artistes get royalty

Dodoma. The government is looking for a contractor who will install computer software to check on artistes’ work used by various electronic media.


11 years ago


'Govt should not borrow to pay workers' emoluments

'Govt should not borrow to pay workers' emoluments
The government should stop looking for loans in order to pay civil servants, but instead do so for putting up infrastructures. This has been suggested by the Tanzania Coalition on Debt and Development (TCDD) that is formed by religious institutions. It said the ...


9 years ago


Govt walks the talk on health workers

The government has lived up to its healthcare plans last week when it announced that it would send over 5,000 rural health workers for formal training.



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