
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Govt under pressure to clear MSD debt

>The Tanzania Gender Networking Programme (TGNP) has asked the government to allocate a sufficient budget to the health sector to avoid a recurrence of the current shortage of medical supplies in public health facilities.


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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago

The Guardian

Pressure grows for developing world debt relief over coronavirus

Pressure grows for developing world debt relief over coronavirus  The Guardian


10 years ago

Daily News

MSD might collapse if debt is not paid, state told

MSD might collapse if debt is not paid, state told
Daily News
A MEMBER of Parliament (MP) has warned that the Medical Store Department (MSD) was likely to collapse if the government fails to settle its debts. In her supplementary question, Special Seat MP Riziki Omary Juma (CUF), demanded to know how the MSD ...


10 years ago


Source money for MSD debt and avail medical supplies

Source money for MSD debt and avail medical supplies
For more than a week now lawmakers in Parliament have been haggling in an on and off debate on the suffering of patients stranded in public hospitals due to shortage of medicine. The crux of the matter, it is explained, is the government's failure to pay over ...
Treasury dishes out 20bn/- to Medical StoresDaily News

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10 years ago


Local Govt Workers Bitter About Unpaid Debt

Local Govt Workers Bitter About Unpaid Debt
Dodoma — TANZANIA Local Government Workers Union (TALGWU) has threatened that they will not participate in the 2015 general elections if the government will not pay them a debt of 17bn/-. The remarks were made by TALGWU Deputy Secretary ...


11 years ago


MPs pile pressure on govt over withdrawal of $112m

Two MPs yesterday piled pressure on the government over the payment from the escrow account held by the Bank of Tanzania (BoT) to Pan African Power (PAP) — a private company.


5 years ago

New Day Live

Credit Settlement Market with Eminent Key Players and Future Outlook to 2026 | Guardian Debt Relief (USA), Freedom Debt Relief (USA), Debt Negotiation Services (USA)

Credit Settlement Market with Eminent Key Players and Future Outlook to 2026 | Guardian Debt Relief (USA), Freedom Debt Relief (USA), Debt Negotiation Services (USA)  New Day Live


10 years ago


Pressure mounts on govt to disclose details of deals with investors

Pressure is mounting on the government to be more open on its investment and supply agreements after major investors accused it of secrecy surrounding their contracts.


10 years ago


Despite clerics, opposition pressure, govt insists referendum to be held as ...

Despite clerics, opposition pressure, govt insists referendum to be held as ...
Constitution and Legal Affairs Minister Asha-Rose Migiro (R) presents a copy of the proposed new Constitution to Tanzania Private Sector Foundation Executive Director, Godfrey Sembeye, at Karimjee hall. Despite pressure from various groups to postpone ...
More Katiba draft copies issuedDaily News

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10 years ago


Govt to pay MSD so it can serve health institutions

Govt to pay MSD so it can serve health institutions
The government yesterday asked Medical Sores Department (MSD) to continue providing service to health institutions, pledging to settle a debt of Sh1.145,839, 223.85 billion by June this year. The request was prompted by Special Seats MP (CCM) Rizik ...
MSD might collapse if debt is not paid, state toldDaily News

all 2



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