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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Pressure grows for developing world debt relief over coronavirus

Pressure grows for developing world debt relief over coronavirus  The Guardian

The Guardian

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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago

New Day Live

Credit Settlement Market with Eminent Key Players and Future Outlook to 2026 | Guardian Debt Relief (USA), Freedom Debt Relief (USA), Debt Negotiation Services (USA)

Credit Settlement Market with Eminent Key Players and Future Outlook to 2026 | Guardian Debt Relief (USA), Freedom Debt Relief (USA), Debt Negotiation Services (USA)  New Day Live


5 years ago


Coronavirus: How will the developing world cope?

There is growing concern about the impact the virus will have on poorer countries.


10 years ago


Govt under pressure to clear MSD debt

>The Tanzania Gender Networking Programme (TGNP) has asked the government to allocate a sufficient budget to the health sector to avoid a recurrence of the current shortage of medical supplies in public health facilities.


11 years ago


After debt relief, Africa’s rush to borrow stirs concern

Nearly a decade after Nelson Mandela and anti-poverty activists Bono and Bob Geldof persuaded the rich world to forgive Africa’s crushing debts, many countries’ debt levels are creeping up again, which could undermine the region’s growth boom.


11 years ago


Developing world obesity quadruples

The number of overweight and obese adults in the developing world has quadrupled to almost one billion since 1980, a UK think tank says.


5 years ago

The African Exponent

3 Ways that EdTech is Transforming Education in the Developing World

3 Ways that EdTech is Transforming Education in the Developing World  The African Exponent


5 years ago

Morning Brew

Developing Nations Particularly Susceptible to Coronavirus pandemic

Developing Nations Particularly Susceptible to Coronavirus pandemic  Morning Brew


5 years ago

Mirror Online

Coronavirus: British scientists close to developing vaccine after tests on mice

Coronavirus: British scientists close to developing vaccine after tests on mice  Mirror OnlineLondon coronavirus: London scientists ‘on brink of discovering vaccine’  MyLondonCoronavirus vaccine developed by British scientists 'ready for testing in June'  Daily StarUK coronavirus EXCLUSIVE: British scientists close to finding vaccine  ExpressBrit scientist on brink of developing coronavirus vaccine as UK cases soar to 798  The SunView Full coverage on Google...


5 years ago


Coronavirus: G20 delays poor nations' debt payments

The aim is to help them deal with the pandemic, but campaigners say more assistance is needed.



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