
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


‘Lost’ ACT candidate found alive five days after: report

The parliamentary candidate for Bariadi West on the ticket of ACT-Wazalendo, Mr Masunga Nghezo, has been found after he went missing for five days. The party’s information officer Abdallah Khamis confirmed yesterday saying that Mr Nghezo was found in Bariadi Town looking tired and dehydrated.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Five Tanzanian miners rescued alive after 41 days underground

Five Tanzanian miners rescued alive after 41 days underground
ARUSHA, Tanzania (Xinhua) -- Five miners have miraculously been found alive after being buried for over 40 days following a pit collapse at mine site in Tanzania's Lake zone region of Shinyanga, senior government official confirmed on Monday. Tanzania ...
Miraculous survival for five trapped small-scale minersDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)

all 3


11 years ago


Lost student leader found unconscious

 A student government president of the Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences (Cuhas) at Bugando, Mr Musa Mdede, who went missing since June 17, has been found while unconscious at Usagara area.'


11 years ago


Victim’s body found 5 days after murder

A commercial motorcyclist at Majimoto village in Serengeti was stabbed to death by passengers who had hired him, abandoning his body in a forest in a neighbouring village.


10 years ago


ELECTION SEASON FUN: Lost-found friend to make me press aide!

>The other day, I was walking to  a boda-boda pick-up centre after inspecting my cassava farm located scandalously  very far from Dar city.


10 years ago


80pc of ‘eastern arc’ forests lost: report

>Tanzania has lost about 80 per cent of forests in its side of the Eastern Arc Mountains, according to a new report released by WWF, the world’s leading conservation organisation.


9 years ago


Zitto will be my PM, says ACT candidate

Candidate says government has failed to reciprocate Kigoma people’s generosity


10 years ago


CAG report reveals over sh 204bn lost through irregular purchases

CAG report reveals over sh 204bn lost through irregular purchases
The Controller and Auditor General (CAG), has identified irregularities with the annual procurement plan that led to loss of over Sh 204,346,797 in government departments in the 2013/2014. Audit results indicates that three ministries, departments and ...


9 years ago


ACT-Wazalendo yet to get Ikulu candidate

The Alliance for Change and Transparency (ACT-Wazalendo) is holding internal meetings to appoint the party’s presidential flag-bearer for the October 25 General Election.


10 years ago


Half of Dar tap water lost before reaching consumers: new report

>More than half of water produced for residents of Tanzania’s major commercial and port city, Dar es Salaam, is lost according to a new report released yesterday. The report further shows that only a small fraction of the people in the city have access to water produced by the public entity.



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